雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019 年 2 月 5 日,新任 Apple 零售业务兼人力高级副总裁 Deirdre O’Brien 在向 Apple 员工发表讲话。. (加利福尼亚州,Cupertino) — Apple 今日宣布,Deirdre O’Brien 将接管 Apple Store 零售店和在线商店业务,兼任零售业务和人力高级副总裁,向 CEO Tim Cook 汇报。. Angela Ahrendts ...

  2. Phil Schiller is an Apple Fellow, responsible for leading the App Store and Apple Events. Phil has helped guide Apple’s products and marketing for 30 years, most recently as the senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.

  3. 该系统包括一颗焦距为 13 毫⽶的超⼴⻆摄像头,同时其也可⽤于微距摄影,从而解锁更多独特视角;一颗原⽣焦距为 24 毫⽶的主摄,另提供 28 毫⽶和 35 毫⽶的焦距选项供切换;强大主摄同时也带来了焦距为 48 毫⽶的 2 倍⻓焦;一颗在 iPhone 15 Pro 上焦距为 77 毫 ...

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  4. Deirdre O’Brien is Apple’s senior vice president of Retail, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. As the leader of Apple’s retail store and online teams, Deirdre supports their work to create exceptional experiences for millions of Apple customers around the world.

  5. 探索 Apple 创新世界,选购各式 iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch 和 Mac,浏览各类配件、娱乐产品,并获得相关产品的专家服务支持。.

  6. 全新的超视网膜 XDR 显示屏,是 iPhone 迄今为止亮度最高的专业级显示屏。. Apple 设计的强大芯片 A13 仿生,性能再创新高,不仅能轻松处理各项任务,还实现了电池续航的空前飞跃,一次充电让你能够从早用到晚。. 全新三摄系统带来专业级的相机体验,配备超 ...

  7. 为校园生活购买新 Mac 或 iPad,可享 Apple 教育优惠,为你省一笔。. 面向学生、教师和教职员工。.

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