雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 監管局董事局於2021年11月16日舉行會議,並委任五個常設委員會的主席,以監督監管局不同範疇的工作。 董事局全體成員名單已載於監管局網頁,而各常設委員會的主席名單則如下: . the chairmen of its five standing committees to oversee various aspects of the EAA’s work. The full list of the EAA Board members is published on the EAA’s website and the chairmen of the standing committees are as follows: 新聞速遞 NEWS EXPRESS.

  2. 有關香港律師會介入黃馮律師行業務. Intervention into the practice of Messrs. Wong, Fung & Co. by the Law Society of Hong Kong. 鑑於香港律師會(「律師會」)介入黃馮律師行的業務,監管局於2021年1月6日發出一封「致持牌人函件」( . 函件」),並電郵函件予所有持牌人。監管局於函件中 ...

  3. 監管局董事局於2021年11月16日舉行會議,並委任五個常設委員會的主席,以監督監管局不同範疇的工作。 董事局全體成員名單已載於監管局網頁,而各常設委員會的主席名單則如下: . the chairmen of its five standing committees to oversee various aspects of the EAA’s work. The full list of the EAA Board members is published on the EAA’s website and the chairmen of the standing committees are as follows: HORIZONS 05. 新聞速遞 NEWS EXPRESS.

  4. 本期《專業天地》專訪了監管局的地產代理業界成員汪敦敬博士,了解一下他對監管局與業界的關係,以及對業界發展的看法。 In this issue of Horizons, we interview Dr Lawrance WONG Dun-king, member of the EAA from the estate agency trade sector, about his views on the relationship between the EAA and the trade, and the development of the trade. : 問 作為監管局董事局中的業界代表成員,你覺得監管局與業界的關係如何?

  5. 委任成員︰. 蔡鴻達博士. 郭昶先生. 敦敬博士MH. 黃思穎女士(職業訓練局代表). 葉潔雲女士(僱員再培訓局代表). Professional Development Committee.

  6. 監管局歡迎新任主席及成員. (2020 年10 月30 日)地產代理監管局(「監管局」)歡迎 政府今日宣布委任廖玉玲女士 JP(見附圖)接替梁永祥教授 SBS,JP 於2020 年11 月1 日起出任監管局董事局主席。. 監管局同時歡迎政府委任蕭澤宇先生BBS,JP,於同日起 出任監管 ...

  7. The Estate Agents Authority is writing to draw your attention that the Law Society of Hong Kong (“Law Society”) has intervened into the practice of Messrs. Wong, Fung & Co. (“Firm”) on 24 December 2020, as it has reason to suspect the dishonesty of a former clerk of the Firm who had misappropriated money belonging to the Firm’s clients.

  8. The six new EAA Board members include Mr CHIU Kam-kuen, Ms Irene CHU Ngar-yee, Mr Dennis HO Chiu-ping, Mr Kevin WONG Ho, Mr Michael WONG Yick-kam, SBS, MH, JP and Mr Eric WOO Hing-yip. They have been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR and their term of office is from 1 November 2022 to 31 October 2024.

  9. 2 封面故事 Cover Story 新一屆地產代理監管局董事局 香港特區行政長官已委任新一屆地產代理監管局(監管局)董事局成員,任期兩年,由2014年11月1日起生效。其中梁 永祥先生,BBS,JP獲委任接替陳韻雲女士,SBS,JP出任董事局主席,而廖玉玲女士,JP則 ...

  10. The EAA welcomes the New Chairman and New Board Members. 政府委任廖玉玲太平紳士接替梁永祥教授SBS太平紳士於2020年 11月1 . 起出任監管局董事局主席。監管局同時歡迎政府委任蕭澤宇先生BBS太平紳士出任監管局副主席,以及六位新成員,包括鄭定寕工程師、周偉信先生、黎文軒 ...

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