雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Estate Agents Authority 地產代理監管局

  2. For the year under review, the EAA reported a surplus of $12.2 million (as compared to a surplus of $7.1 million last year). Income for the year was $92.9 million, an increase of $5.2 million or 5.9% over the previous year. Expenditure for the year was $80.6 million, remaining similar as the previous year’s.

  3. 香港演藝學院校董會主席. 僱員再培訓局主席. 香港創意藝術中心有限公司主席. 西九文化區管理局諮詢會成員. 數碼21資訊科技策略諮詢委員會委員. Mr William Leung Wing-cheung, BBS, JP.

  4. www.eaa.org.hk › Portals › 0監管局成員

    Co-opted Member, Education, Employment and Training Task Force of the Commission on Poverty. Chairman, Council of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Chairman, Employees Retraining Board. Chairman, Hong Kong Creative Arts Centre Limited.

  5. www.eaa.org.hk › zh-hk › Licence-listLicence list - EAA

    牌照目錄. 此牌照目錄旨在協助公眾確認相關人士現時是否持有有效牌照及有關牌照的詳情 (如有)。. 透過此牌照目錄所得的資料不得被用作其他用途,使用者亦必須遵守所有相關法例。. 本牌照目錄並非《地產代理條例》第13條所指的 登記冊。. 此牌照目錄載有 ...

  6. 深房中協張媛會長、楊杰常務副會長、華洪秘書長等多位 領導接見了監管局的訪問團,會議中深房中協人員詳細介紹了 深圳地產代理行業的自律管理舉措,尤其是深房中協為深圳房

  7. WHAT'S NEW. E-leaflet for licensees to explain to customers about the AMLO’s requirement of obtaining customers’ identity document and keep a copy for record. The EAA issues a new Practice Circular on good and effective competition practices. Appoint licensed estate agents to handle property transactions.

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