雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Craig Federighi is Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Craig oversees the development of iOS and macOS. His teams are responsible for delivering the software at the heart of Apple’s innovative products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks.

  2. Chief Executive Officer. Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple and serves on its board of directors. Before being named CEO in August 2011, Tim was Apple’s chief operating officer and was responsible for all of the company’s worldwide sales and operations, including end-to-end management of Apple’s supply chain, sales activities, and service and ...

  3. Mike Fenger is Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Sales, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Mike oversees global product sales for Apple, and his team plays an important part in helping customers discover products they love.

  4. iPhone 15 Pro 是 首款在设计中采用航空级钛金属的 iPhone ,这种合金也被用在执行火星探测任务的航天器中。 钛的强度重量比傲视绝大多数金属,由此成就了我们 迄今最轻的 Pro 机型 。 上手的那一刻,你就会感受到它的不同。 科普设计和显示屏. iPhone, 钛金属强势加身。 钛金属边框 精致细腻的拉丝质感 ,源于精密机械加工、打磨、拉丝和喷砂多道工序的精打细造。 新的弧形边沿和 iPhone 迄今最薄的边框设计,带来 更舒适的握持感 。 暂停 播放 重播.

  5. Phil Schiller is an Apple Fellow, responsible for leading the App Store and Apple Events. Phil has helped guide Apple’s products and marketing for 30 years, most recently as the senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.

  6. 通过查找 app 的全新“物品”标签页,或者直接开口说“嘿 Siri,我把钱包放哪了”,都能让 AirTag 的内置扬声器播放个声音来指示位置。. 如果它在附近,比如沙发底下或隔壁房间,循着声音就好找到了。. 我在,我在这,. 我在这里。. 如果你的 AirTag 就在附近 ...

  7. 由 8 颗高性能核心和 2 颗高效率核心组成的全新 10 核中央处理器,运行速度相比 M1 提升最高可达 70%,专业性能表现超乎想象。 而与最新的 8 核 PC 笔记本电脑芯片相比,M1 Pro 在同等功耗水平下的中央处理器性能更可高达 1.7 倍,达到其峰值水平性能的功耗则少了 70% 1 。 有了 M1 Pro,即便是编辑高分辨率照片这类对性能要求极高的任务,也会变得易如反掌。 M1 Pro 的图形处理器最高配置为 16 核,速度最快达到 M1 的 3 倍以上,与最新款 8 核 PC 笔记本电脑芯片集成显卡相比,速度最快可达 7 倍以上 1 。 与 PC 笔记本电脑所用的大功率独立图形处理器相比,M1 Pro 的性能更强的同时功耗却少了 70% 2 。

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