雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. THE HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB 香港賽馬會 DocVM02 5/3/2012 Page 1 LIST OF STEWARDS AS AT 3 MAY 2012 Stevenson, T Brian SBS JP Chairman Ip, Dr Simon S O CBE JP Deputy Chairman Chow, Anthony W K SBS JP Cheng, Dr Christopher ...

  2. chaser’s eligibility criteria listed in the Sale Catalogue, bid at the Hong Kong International Sale and, if suc. ssful, they are allowed to retain their purchase in Hong Kong to race.由即日起,此名單中所有申請人或可投標購買任何待售馬匹,惟必須符合投標買馬條件。所有列在此名單. 之人士,如符合香港 ...

  3. 主動退役. 馬主可主動讓名下馬匹退役。. 強制退役. 強制退役的準則概由馬會董事局訂定,現行的準則如下:. 所有年屆十一歲的馬匹。. 每個馬季結束時,所有評分為二十五分或以下的馬匹。. 所有馬匹的健康紀錄顯示,主任獸醫(賽事管制)認為,該駒不再 ...

  4. 截至二 二四年六月七日公佈之自購曾出賽馬匹候補中籤人及 有資格投標買馬人士名單. (PP) PUBLISH. D ON 7 June 2024This list serves as a Reserve List and a list of those eligible either to tender for horses put up for sale or to bid at the Hong Kong International Sale to be held in. 025:Reserve List.Should a ...

  5. Li Cheng Yan, Justin. Li Chi Yin, Ms Charmaine Li Kwok Sheung, Adrian Li Waung Tsen, Mrs Tisa Fatima Mari. Li Chun Sing, Clement. Li Ka Chun, Roger. Li Tzar Kai, Richard. Li Wing Fai, Paul & Tsoi Yee Ki, Ms. Liang Shun Ming, Ms Charmian. Liang Shun Yin, Miss Chloe. Ling Kay Wai, Gary.

  6. Hassan, Adam Bin Ho, Steve. Hon Hoi Lun, Ms Helen. Hu Chiu Lun, Alan. Jacobs, Dr Andreas Jell, Mrs Jessica Bridget Slack Kwok Law Kwai Chun, Mrs Eleanor. Kwok Siu Ming. Kwok Yin Kit, Ringo. Tang Ng Chun Ho, Michael. Lam Ngai. Law Fu Yuen, Patrick Ho Ka Yuen, Edward Chan Hoi, Jack.

  7. 截至二 二三年六日六日公佈之自購新馬候補中籤人及 有資格投標買馬人士名單. June 2023This list serves as a Reserve List and a list of those eligible either to tender for horses put up for sale or to bid at the Hong Kong International Sale to be held before the 2024 Ballot:此名 . .

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