雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 年份: 2007-2020年. 進度: 完成. 項目意義. 2007年,基金會捐資提升本港寧養服務,將基金會覆蓋全國的「人間有情」寧養服務計劃由內地正式伸延至香港,與醫院管理局以配套資金形式合作推行計劃,為香港基層末期癌症病人和其家屬減輕痛苦及帶來希望,讓更多基層患者受惠。 計劃覆蓋全港10家寧養中心,以温馨的家居環境為設計,在寧靜舒適的環境下,為末期癌症病人提供方便的專業照顧及設備,讓病人和家屬於同一屋簷下,在社交、心靈及精神等方面都得到支援。 累計協助38,000名患者。 李嘉誠基金會有限公司是香港認可的慈善機構,於1980年由香港富商李嘉誠創辦,以更有系統地資助香港及世界各地的慈善服務。

  2. About Our Founder. Mr. Li Ka-shing was born in Chaoan, Chaozhou in 1928. Early adversities in his life, which included being forced to quit school and fleeing to Hong Kong due to the war as well as his father’s passing from illness, taught him lessons in childhood that created a blueprint for life.

  3. Project Goals and Purpose. (1) “Heart Of Gold”National Hospice Service Programme. In 1998, the Foundation implemented the Hospital Service Programme as a pilot programme to provide palliative care for terminal cancer patients at the First Affiliated Hospital of the Shantou University Medical College.

  4. LKSF timeline. See how our activities have unfolded: from the founding of a university to a nationwide hospice program. We believe in philanthropy with societal impact. Since 1980, Mr Li Ka-shing has invested over HK$30 billion. Find out more about our founder.

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  5. 2019年3月11日 · 計劃資助患有冠狀動脈堵塞、主動脈心瓣嚴重狹窄、二或三尖瓣閉合不全及非瓣膜性心房纖顫的病人,醫生需要為他們置入如血管支架、人工心瓣、二或三尖瓣夾合器及左心耳封堵器等植入物。. 以往由於植入物成本較高,令部分病人對手術卻步。. 養和 ...

  6. 2018年1月18日 · 中國女生成功划渡大西洋 奪女子組冠軍 兼破世界紀錄. (香港,2018年1月18日)中國首隊出征參加「橫渡大西洋挑戰賽」的划艇隊「功夫茶茶」,由汕頭大學四名女生組成,分別是來自廣東省的陳鈺麗、黎曉冰、梁敏甜和河南省的孟亞潔,於中國標準時間 ...

  7. Press Releases. (October 4, 2019. Hong Kong) The Li Ka Shing Foundation has announced a donation of HK$1 billion in support of local Small and Medium Enterprises which are under severe duress from unprecedented challenges on the home front and a slowdown in the global economy. The funds will complement the Hong Kong...

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