雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 中銀集團保險將繼續以多元化的產品、眾多的銷售渠道、緊貼巿場的發展策略及經營方針,為客戶提供優質、專業的服務。中銀集團保險主要經營的險種有:火險、財產一切險、現金險、船舶險、盜竊險、運輸險(海上、陸路、航空)、汽車險、僱員賠償險、公眾責任險、建築工程全險、旅行綜合險 ...

  2. 如果您想為您和您的家人購買旅遊保險,您可以選擇中銀集團保險有限公司的「環宇遨翔旅遊保障計劃」,這是一款涵蓋多項保障的旅遊保險產品,包括人身意外、醫療費用、行李遺失、旅程取消等。您可以通過網上投保,方便快捷,並享有中銀信用卡的優惠折扣。請即點擊了解更多詳情。

  3. HK$150及總額不超過HK$1,500) 60,000.00 2. 身故後遺體運返費用 100,000.00 24小時緊急支援服務及保障 (任何費用或服務必須事先經國際救援服務公司同意及直接提供,當需要援助時,請致電24小時緊急支援熱線) i. 緊急醫療救援服務 不設限額 (a) 緊急醫療 ...

  4. Claims Procedure. 1. The Journey must be departed from Hong Kong. 2. The Insured Person (s) must be aged between 6 weeks and 80 years. 3. The individual application for insurance is required for persons aged 18 or above. 4. The application must be duly signed by a parent or guardian, if the person is under 18 years old.

  5. www5.bocgins.com › FileStatic › Product_Leaflettravel leaflet broker pdf

    受保人於旅遊期間因意外或疾病身故(如因疾病身故,最高賠償額為所列金額的30%) 醫療及有關費用. 3.1在旅程期間因意外身體損傷或疾病而產生的醫療費用,包括門診、手術費及醫生費用 (18歲以下或70歲以上受保人) 3.2回港後3個月內的覆診費(包括跌打及中醫診治費 ...

  6. The Plan is an individual comprehensive medical insurance plan and puts three basic benefits including Hospital and Surgical, Supplementary Major Medical and Hospital Cash under one roof. Together with the optional benefits1 including Out-patient, Dental, Maternity or Critical Illness, the Plan provides you and your family with added peace of mind.

  7. Out-Patient Medical Insurance Plan Proposal Form. 通訊地址:香港中環德輔道中71 號永安集團大廈9樓 Correspondence Address: 9/F., Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. 客戶服務熱線Customer Services Hotline:31875100.