雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 電郵地址:info@aeon.com.hk 股份代號 900 股東日誌 3 AEON r Ì -r Þ"®! Ë 2022/23 二零二二年九月二十六日 公布截至二零二二年八月三十一日止六個月之中期業績 二零二二年十月二十八日 寄送截至二零二二年八月三十一日止六個月之中期報告 ...

  2. After deducting income tax expense of HK$75.7 million, the Group recorded an increase in profit of 9.1%, with profit after tax increasing from HK$342.6 million in FY2021 to HK$373.6 million in FY2022. Earnings per share increased from 81.81 HK cents to 89.22

  3. 27.10.2022 AEON 信貸財務 x 安達人壽攜手拓展保險市場 推出Chubb Studio 網上保險平台 安達 「無憂生活智慧」概念平台 助客戶輕鬆規劃人生 相片說明:安達集團高級副總裁兼安達人壽總裁Bryce Johns 先生(右四)、 安達人壽香港總裁及北亞區域負責人區 ...

  4. HK$55.4 million, the Group recorded an increase in profit of 13.6%, with profit after tax increasing from HK$301.6 million in the previous financial year to HK$342.6 million in 2021/22. Earnings per share increased from 72.02 HK cents to 81.81 HK cents for the ...

  5. Net current assets. Total assets less current liabilities 28.2.2022. HK$’000. 28.2.2021. HK$’000. 100,283 58,891 15,820. –. 107,214 82,278. – 19,406. 71,077 750,797 31,559 2,711 1,250. 65,470 589,136 16,349. – 2,509. 1,032,388. 882,362. 3,342,610 64,165.

  6. of HK$86.9 million, the Group recorded an increase in profit of 17.8%, with profit after tax increasing from HK$371.1 million in the previous financial year to HK$437.3 million in 2018/19. Earnings per share increased from 88.63 HK cents to 104.41 HK cents for the ...

  7. • Net interest income for 2021/22 : HK$847 million 1,706 1,993 2,038 2,422 4,542 4,092 4,013 4,335 Sales Average Advances & Receivables 245 205 209 220 Net interest income Unit: HK$ Million (1) Sales and Advances & Receivables Balance - Returned to