雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. K Cash Express Limited. Money Lender's Licence No.: 0644/2024. The information on this website is for reference only and may be updated from time to time. For details, please contact. 21111 211. 5595 6111. 17/F, Wheelock House, 20 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong (MTR Central station exit D1) cs@kcash.hk.

  2. K Cash提醒客戶,本公司只會邀請客戶到中環總行以及各K Cash 據點內洽談以及遞交相關文件。. 客戶可於K Cash網頁查閱總行及各據點的地址。. K Cash Limited 以區塊鏈技術提供卡片核實功能,防止騙徒偽冒本行職員。. 客戶服務主任向每位客戶傳發的卡片上,均有 ...

  3. 2024年9月3日 · 月報表. 截至2024年8月31日止月份之股份發行人的證券變動月報表. 2024.08.19. 公告及通告 - [股息或分派(公告表格)] 截至二零二四年六月三十日止六個月之中期股息. 2024.08.19. 公告及通告 - [中期業績 / 股息或分派 / 暫停辦理過戶登記手續或更改暫停辦理過戶日期 ...

  4. the stabilization period was on December 6, 2023 at the price of HK$1.76 per Share (excluding brokerage of 1%, AFRC transaction levy of 0.00015%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.00565%).

  5. Cash Corporation Limited. Cash集團有限公司. liability)(Stock code: 2483)DATE OF BOARD MEETINGThe board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Director(s)”) of K Cash Corporation Limited (the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) hereby announces that a meeting of the Board will be held on Monday, 19 August ...

  6. 於二零二四年六月二十一日,K Cash日本、本公司與ファンズレンディング株式会社(Funds Lending, Inc.)(「 貸款人」)訂立以日圓計值的貸款協議(「 貸款協議」),據此,貸款人同意向K Cash 日本提供一筆5 億日圓(或約2,500萬港元)的貸款融資。. 同日,本公司亦與貸款人訂立一 ...

  7. A final dividend of HK1.998 cents per ordinary share (equivalent to approximately HK$9,990,000) has been proposed by the board of directors and is subject to the approval of the Company’s shareholders