雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Seminar 1: Walk with You (th) 講座一:與你 (青少年)同行. Seminar 2: Innovative IT in Practice. 講座二:創新科技 健康護理. Seminar 3: Hand-in-hand we care - transition from hospital to home. 講座三:醫社攜手 安頤在家. Seminar 4: Healthy Aging @ Community. 講座四:逆轉「機」齡@社區.

  2. www.healthyhkec.org › SCE14 › seminars講座 Seminars | SCE14

    • 簡介 Introduction
    • 主席chairman
    • 主持moderators
    • 主席chairmen
    • 主席 Chairman
    • 主持 Moderators

    以家庭為本,闡述不同心理治療方式,促進精神健康,為家加多一點愛。 To promote family mental wellness with different psychotherapeutic approaches.

    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 精神科 顧問醫生 簡聚坤醫生 Dr. KAN Chui Kwan, Consultant (Psychiatry), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

    利民會 友樂坊 (港島東) 精神健康綜合社區中心 中心主任 龍建樺女士 Ms. Karen LUNG, Office-in-charge, ALOHA (Eastern), Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW), Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong 聖雅各福群會 復康服務 (工作.生活) 服務經理 曾宏強先生 Mr. Can TSANG, Service Manager, Rehabilitation Services (Dynamic Working & Living), St. James' Settlement

    東華東院 內科及復康科 副顧問醫生 梁浩程醫生 Dr. LEUNG Ho Ching, Associate Consultant (Medicine & Rehabilitation),Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 聖雅各福群會 持續照顧服務 高級經理 蔡嘉儀女士 Ms. Jenny CHOI, Senior Manager (Continuing Care), St. James Settlement

    香港西醫工會 會董 香港醫學會 會董 任俊彥醫生 Dr. Abraham YAM, Council Member, Hong Kong Doctors Union, Council Member, The Hong Kong Medical Association

    東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 臨床腫瘤科 副顧問醫生 陳娟醫生 Dr. CHAN Kuen, Associate Consultant (Oncology), Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital 循道衛理灣仔長者服務中心 老人服務協調主任 陳鑑銘先生 Mr. Ken CHAN, Service Coordinator (Elderly Service), Wan Chai Methodist Centre For The Seniors

  3. 2018年6月23日 · Speaker. Profile. Dr. C K LAW, GBS, JP. Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Labour and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR. 勞工及福利局 局長 羅致光博士, GBS, JP. Topic 題目. The challenges of increasing longevity and the importance of health and welfare collaboration. 長壽的挑戰與醫社合作的重要性. Dr. CP WONG, JP.

  4. Advance Care Planning: Conception, Consultation and Conversation. 香港中文大學醫學院那打素護理學院 副教授 裕麗教授. Prof. Helen CHAN, Associate Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 「解說」預設照顧計劃.

  5. 16 th HKEC Online Symposium on Community Engagement 2023. Embracing Primary Healthcare Blueprint in HKEC – From Collaboration to Integration. 15 th to 17 th June 2023.

  6. Ms. Leila CHAN, Chief Executive & Editor-in-Chief, Big Sliver Community Limited. 「護老藍圖」護老者支援計劃:護老者的需要與資源的配合. Caregiver Support Model: Development and Validation Project: Coordinating the Needs and Resources of Caregivers. 循道衛理中心 副經理(創新服務) 倩雯女士.

  7. www.healthyhkec.org › download › 2020/12/07港島東健康資源網


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