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  1. - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及戶口同投資聲明等. 全新的服務選單. 全新的「設定及其他」選單. 1. 獎賞及優惠. 1. 2. 3. - 唔同嘅轉賬服務,例如: 轉數快 轉賬 自動轉賬 繳付Citi信用卡、賬單及貸款. 4. 聯絡我們 - 聯絡您嘅客戶經理. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 投資體驗全面提升. 透過Citi最新嘅股票同基金交易功能,您可以輕鬆捉緊每個市場機會,累積財富。 無論比較唔同嘅基金,管理您嘅「基金精選儲蓄計劃」,抑或搜尋各個市場嘅股票都係咁容易。 了解更多股票功能.

  2. 詳情. 常見問題. 查看全部. 虛擬卡是什麼? 您可以喺卡獲批或獲發後查看您嘅虛擬卡詳細信息 (卡號,卡到期日和虛擬卡驗證碼 (CVV2),並通過Citi Mobile 流動理財手機程式啟用您嘅虛擬卡,然後去進行同商品或服務有關嘅付款。 虛擬卡是新卡? 虛擬卡並不是新嘅Citi信用卡,而是一個新服務等你喺你張實體卡未到時,都可以進行同商品或服務有關嘅付款。 臨時驗證碼 (CVV2)是什麼? 喺Citi Mobile 流動理財手機程式啟用虛擬卡後可以獲得臨時驗證碼 (CVV2)去進行有關付款,成功啟用實體卡之後就由您嘅實體卡驗證碼 (CVV2)代替。 我需唔需要去申請或登記成為虛擬卡用戶? 無需額外申請或登記,您可以直接通過CitiMobile 流動理財手機程式去啟用。

  3. 主頁. 信用卡. 最新信用卡優惠. 於豐澤網店用Citi Pay with Points憑分抵銷簽賬. %body% 依家憑Citi信用卡喺豐澤網店買完新家電或電子產品,就可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用積分抵銷簽賬! 簡單幾Clicks用積分抵銷簽賬: 憑指定Citi信用卡簽賬後立即體驗Pay with Points 憑分消費. 進行身份驗證. 選擇您想兌換的金額,立即兌換,憑分抵銷簽賬! 1. 2. 3. 即去豐澤 網店 買嘢啦! 尚未擁有Citi 信用卡? 立即申請專享環球獎賞. 按此申請. 「Citi Pay with Points憑分消費」 條款及細則.

  4. Citi Plus - Citi Interest Booster. Easy missions to boost your interest rate up to 2.67% p.a. Your account comes with 1.17% p.a. base interest rate. Complete four simple, everyday missions such as “Maintain Balance”, “Fund-in”, “Spend” and “Invest 2, FX & Get Insured” to boost your interest rate.

  5. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

  6. Apply now. Citi Handy Cash offers a fast and simple personal loan option to both employees and self-employed individuals to meet their quick financial needs with minimum documents. (Click HERE for Personal Loan Key Fact Statement) Accept all types of salary proof a. Loan amount up to 8x monthly salary b. Repayment term up to 60 months c.

  7. Apply now. HIGHLIGHTS. FEATURES. Allowing diversification through participation in the performance of different assets or markets. Flexible in structure and can be tailored to play out with your investment strategies.

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