雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 目前發布之颱風警報風雨預報

  2. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 4 System & Infrastructure Enhancements Framework upgrade to HWRFV4.0a with bug fixes Optimize and unify the domain sizes of ghost domains used for initialization and DA

  3. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 7 HFSA v0.1A: FV3-based Stand- Alone Regional HAFS coupled with HYCOM, NATL basin HAFS v0.1B: FV3-based Global- nest HAFS, no ocean coupling, NATL basin HAFS v0.1J: FV3-based Stand

  4. 海象資訊服務全書下載

  5. 天氣是您實際感受的氣象變化,氣候則是您可預期的氣象經驗。舉例來說,一場午後的及時雨,某個颱風挾帶而來的狂風暴雨 ...

  6. 就氣候而言,每年五、六月為台灣之梅雨季,梅雨期間天氣以陰雨為多,但偶而也會有不下雨的好天氣出現。台灣梅雨之產生係由於在此季節大陸冷氣團與太平洋暖氣團勢力相當,常在華南至台灣、琉球一帶相持不下,形成滯留鋒(又稱梅雨);鋒面帶上常有低氣壓擾動發生並伴隨中到大雷陣雨 ...

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