雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(下稱「主辦單位」)為滙豐保險「描畫幸福.實踐承諾」創作比賽(下稱「比賽」)的主辦單位。. 所有參賽者(下稱「參賽者」)必須由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(及其繼承人及受讓人)(下稱「匯豐」或「本行」) 現有 ...

  2. HSBC Life is committed to safeguard the well-being of customers. With the same vision shared, HSBC Life collaborates with Dustykid, a popular local illustrator, to organise the “Sketch Your Promises, Stack Your Happiness” Creative Competition, enhancing public awareness of the mental health of children and teenagers.

  3. 家長應該:. 聆聽小朋友的心聲,引導他們釋放當刻的情緒,再與他們一起想出幫自己減壓的方法。. 家長如果無計可施,不妨與小朋友一起哭,令他明瞭成年人也有情緒。. 亦可以暫時離開現場,飲一杯水來冷靜自己,用身教示範疏導情緒的方法。. 若情緒問題 ...

  4. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › easyinvest › enHSBC HK Easy Invest

    Stock trading at your fingertips. HSBC HK Easy Invest app has been specially built for our Hong Kong customers *. You can trade securities instantly and get free market information including real-time quotes, news and market data in 3 major stock markets (Hong Kong, China A and US). Explore HSBC Easy Invest.

  5. 不用擔心!香港是個文化大熔爐,想家時,也不一定要立即乘坐飛機回家;留在香港,一樣可以找到家的味道。 香港有很多外地人聚集的小社區,令這裡滿載不同的國際節慶,一年365日都多姿多采。 這裡每年都有啤酒節及葡萄美酒嘉年華,更會定期舉辦各國地道美食及名菜的美食展,還有涵蓋電影 ...

  6. Love bonds us all: Jonny & Thomas stand strong together. In this episode, HSBC invites Jonny and his same-sex partner Thomas to share the story of how they met and their relationship challenges. A committed relationship flourishes not only thanks to fate and the strong will of the partner involved, but also other external support.

  7. Many people are joining the ranks of the slashies and creating new identities for themselves. One of them is Mrs Cheung, a former housewife who has transformed herself into a YouTuber with a large following and living a retirement life with a difference. What is her ...

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