雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 氣象局提供精緻化預報及現代化氣象觀測, 縣市天氣預報, 鄉鎮天氣預報, 各類觀測資訊, 衛星雲圖, 雷達圖, 雨量累積..等 觀測時間 溫度 天氣 風向 風力 級 m/s 陣風 級 m/s 能見度 (公里) 相對濕度 (%) 海平面氣壓 (百帕) 當日累積 雨量(毫米)

  2. 中央氣象局原有4座S波段(10公分波長)雷達,3部為都卜勒氣象雷達,1部為雙偏極化都卜勒氣象雷達,分別位於東部的花蓮、南部的墾丁、西部的七股及北部的五分山,除可以觀測來自太平洋、南海及巴士海峽等地的颱風外,也可觀測梅雨、寒潮等天氣系統。

  3. As of today, the Southern Fukienese for typhoon is still pronounced like "phoon-ty" (wind sieve), which further solidifies Professor Lin's argument. Aside from the digression of being either "windy" or "wind sieving", typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone over the tropical Western North Pacific.

  4. 螺旋星系( Spiral galaxy ):此類星系中心較圓且隆起像雙凸透鏡,由核心延伸出幾條旋臂,旋臂中包括恆星、氣體和塵埃,外形如旋渦,以英文字母 S表示,並附註a, b, c表示旋臂纏繞緊密或寬鬆程度,a型最緊且核心大如Sa,有些螺旋星系中心為棒狀,旋臂由

  5. through the use of Land Information System (LIS) developed at NASA –Majority of sensible weather elements dependent on LSM properties, terrain, vegetation, land use etc. 11

  6. GEO-KOMPSAT-2A, Korea’s new generation satellite, is equipped with an Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI), which also has 16 channels and scans with the following frequency: once every 10 minutes in full disk mode; once every 2 minutes in local mode.

  7. Category 6: moving northward along Taiwan's east coast or eastern sea region (12.73% of total). Category 7: moving northward along Taiwan's west coast or the Taiwan Strait (6.75% of total). Category 8: moving eastward or northeastward after passing through Taiwan's southern sea region (3.38% of total).