雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station is the first of its kind in Mainland China. It is one of the earliest, largest and most successful joint-venture projects under the Open-Door Policy. The station produces about 15 billion kWh of electricity every year. In general, we import 70% of the station’s electricity into Hong Kong.

  2. 關於發電廠. 蓄能水電廠利用水電技術來儲起經其他途徑產生的電能。運作過程是由一個較低層的儲水庫把水抽到一個較高層的儲水庫,達到蓄能效果。只需把水電裝置逆轉運行,就能體現像發電機一樣的效果,把儲起的能源釋放出來。蓄能水電廠的主要角色是 ...

  3. A pumped storage plant uses hydro technology to store energy generated by other power stations. Storage is achieved by pumping water from a lower to an upper reservoir. The stored energy can then be recovered by running the hydro units in reverse as generators.

  4. 中電客戶諮詢小組. 每一位客戶的意見和需要,都是中電審視服務質素和業務發展方向的重要指標。. 因此,中電於1992 年率先與消費者委員會攜手成立客戶諮詢小組,成員來自各層面客戶。. 隨着中電客戶群和業務範圍不斷擴展,客戶諮詢小組成員目前已由5人增 ...

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  5. 職專教育,光明之路. 以下提供的為 兼讀制課程 ,主要提供 電機 及 機械 兩個範疇的各種專業知識,切合不同人士的需要,提供多元化的升學及就業途徑。. 投身電機及機械行業第一步:電工A牌. 拓展工作領域達至更高成就:電工B牌. 晉升必備切合未來社會需要 ...

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  6. 中電首席執行官獲邀出席並發言. 2023 年10 月10 日至12日,由中華人民共和國商務部和山東省人民政府共同主辦的第四屆跨國公司領導人青島峰會在山東青島舉行,中電控股首席執行官蔣東強先生獲邀出席峰會並發言。. 中電集團(中電)積極支持中國經濟高質量發展 ...

  7. CLP Holdings Limited (CLP) is pleased its high standard of corporate governance and company reporting has again been recognised by an array of top awards in Hong Kong and overseas, a testament to the Group’s ongoing efforts on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and commitment to create long-term value for stakeholders.

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