雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 種類. 這連結會以新視窗打開。. 2024年9月每日鮮活食品供應. 這連結會以新視窗打開。. 漁護署呼籲市民避免在颱風期間前往郊野公園. 這連結會以新視窗打開。. 綠海龜重回大海. 這連結會以新視窗打開。. 政府明日起將就非法餵飼野生動物或野鴿即時執法.

  2. 就此,該委員會建議在適當時候設立「漁業 可持續發展資助計劃」,為漁業界、學術及研究機構或非牟利機 構提供財政支援,以開展有助改善業界經營環境及競爭力的研究 和發展項目。. 1.2 為數5 億元的「漁業持續發展基金」(基金)於 2014 年成立,旨 在協助 ...

  3. 申請前向秘書處或署方相關技術組別就申請程序及 計劃內容尋求 技術協助,秘書處會安排「專責小組」就 申請提供針對性的支援,優化計劃書及準備申請所需文

  4. 洋性遠洋漁業的可行方案、申請程序、申 請渠道,以及發掘更多的發展機遇。項目 除促進阿曼和香港漁民合作外,同時讓香 港漁民於當地發揮自身優勢,升級轉型,開拓新的捕撈業出路。項目亦安排與香港 漁民分享在阿曼從事漁業的經驗,推動本

  5. www.afcd.gov.hk › english › conservationHK Species - AFCD

    • Introduction
    • Composition of Freshwater Fish in Hong Kong
    • Major Freshwater Fish Habitats
    • Key Species of Conservation Concern
    • Conservation Measures
    • Tips and Codes of Observing Freshwater Fish
    • References

    Hong Kong is a small territory on the edge of the northern tropical zone. The local landscape is mostly dominated by steep hills and ravines, while the flat land is restricted to the low floodplains and coastal regions. In this hilly domain, there are hundreds of small rocky streams that flow through steep ravines. These hill streams are typically ...

    Click hereto download the Checklist of Freshwater Fish of Hong Kong. Primary Freshwater Fish Primary freshwater fish are strictly confined to freshwater environments during their entire life cycle. Seventy one species belonging to 19 families found in Hong Kong are primary freshwater fish, representing 36% of the total species recorded. They mostly...

    Most of the freshwater fish in Hong Kong are distributed in upland streams, lowland streams, estuaries and reservoirs. Each type of freshwater habitats has its own ecological characteristics, and so each freshwater fish species has its own specific niche. Upland streams There are numerous upland tributaries flowing through steep ravines in Hong Kon...

    (i) Acrossocheilus beijiangensis(Wu et Lin, 1977) Acrossocheilus beijiangensis belongs to the fish family Cyprinidae. It can be distinguished by the presence of five to six vertical bands on its yellowish body. It inhabits streams and rivers of sandy rocky substrata and swiftly flowing waters. A. beijiangensisis found in streams in central New Terr...

    To conserve freshwater fish, it is important to protect their existing habitats against water pollution and unnecessary destruction, especially the natural freshwater habitats with high conservation value. Efforts have been made to protect our freshwater habitats through enforcement of various ordinances, including the Water Works Ordinance (Cap. 1...

    Avoid carrying out observations alone in the wild. Pay close attention to weather changes and cancel all activities in case of thunder or rainstorms.
    Wear suitable clothes, such as long-sleeved shirts, waterproof shoes and hat. Apply insect repellent if necessary.
    Do bring along a freshwater fish field guide for identification.
    Do not enter deep pools or walk in swift flowing streams.

    Chong, D.H. and Dudgeon, D. (1992). Hong Kong Stream Fishes: An Annotated Checklist with Remarks on Conservation Status. In Hodgkiss, I.J. (ed.). Memoirs of the Hong Kong Natural History Society. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Natural History Society. No. 19. pp.79-112. Eschmeyer, W.N. (1998). Catalog of Fishes, Volume I, II & III. Special Publication No...

  6. 洋性遠洋漁業的可行方案、申請程序、申 請渠道,以及發掘更多的發展機遇。項目 除促進阿曼和香港漁民合作外,同時讓香 港漁民於當地發揮自身優勢,升級轉型,開拓新的捕撈業出路。項目亦安排與香港 漁民分享在阿曼從事漁業的經驗,推動本

  7. 一般申請 申請指引. ( 2023 年 . 香港九龍長沙灣道303號 長沙灣政府合署8樓 漁業持續發展基金秘書處 . 電話: 2150-7158. 傳真: 電郵: 7 月修訂版) . 2314-2866. sfdf@afcd.gov.hk. 漁業持續發展基金. 申請資格. 項目的評審準則. 遞交申請. 處理申請. 撥款安排及條件. 受資助者的責任. 申請者提交個人資料須知. 查詢. 其他. 附件一. 附件二. 附件三. 附件四. 附件五. 附件六. 申請指引. 目錄. 第3頁. 第4頁. 第7頁. 第9頁. 第15頁. 第20頁. 第21頁. 第22頁. 第29頁. 第30頁. 第34頁. 第36頁.

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