雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐卓越理財全方位解鎖財富潛力. 全球形勢不斷轉變,財富目標亦應因時隨變。. 滙豐卓越理財堅定支持您實現跨代財富傳承,為您度身訂造適切的方案,如滙溢保險計劃 II,不但可以為您自身帶來保障,還可以透過轉移保單把保障轉贈摯愛,全力助您達成不同 ...

  2. 滙豐卓越理財為客戶提供全面的環球支援,讓你輕鬆預先開立海外戶口及進行環球轉賬。 助你作出更明智的升學選擇,我們為客戶提供市場首創首席教育顧問,讓你掌握全面資訊,為子女規劃更優越的升學安排。 滙豐卓越理財為家長提供. 全方位環球升學理財服務及支援. 滙豐卓越理財為家長提供全方位環球升學理財服務及支援,參加「滙豐卓越理財升學堂」報讀牛津大學及倫敦帝國大學夏令營,以及「滙豐Teen才薈」的多項本地暑期活動,更有市場首創的首席教育顧問服務﹔同時夥拍英國文化協會舉辦SPARK 2024文化藝術交流活動,培育下一代全能發展;滙豐卓越理財客戶更尊享提供英國文化協會提供的雅思及英語課程優惠*等,全力為子女留學鋪出康莊大道。

  3. Lifestyle. November 2021. How will people spend these additional years of old age? We invited slashies -- Mr Lawrence Cheng, Ms Deborah Woo and Mr & Mrs Yan (volunteers of Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service) to share the tips on how to live a productive ageing life. Let’s break the mould of productive ageing! Special offers.

  4. Building on our insights from last year, HSBC Premier has conducted a survey in Hong Kong to examine the market landscape further. The HSBC Premier 2023 Affluent Survey delves deeper into the evolving financial goals and landscapes of Hong Kong’s affluents.

  5. 指定醫院名錄截止23/5/2018. 您只需從安盛保險有限公司(「AXA 安盛」) 取得預先批核,AXA安盛便將於「全球醫院名錄」內位於世界各地有提供直接結算服務5 的醫院直接結算您符合資格的住院及日間住院治療費用。. 有關「全球醫院名錄」詳情,請參閱保單持有人指南 ...

  6. Plan your future better! It won't be long before you can fly to space, but is your retirement savings keeping pace?

  7. As a leading insurer in Hong Kong, HSBC Life is committed to relieve the burden of eldercare through public-private partnership. We have also developed an innovative supplementary benefit to improve Hongkonger’s financial futures, specifically to provide assistance to dementia patients and their caregivers.

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