雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 min. Many people are joining the ranks of the slashies and creating new identities for themselves. One of them is Mrs Cheung, a former housewife who has transformed herself into a YouTuber with a large following and living a retirement life with a difference. What is her story?

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  5. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › ins › enLIFE Talk - HSBC

    Many people are joining the ranks of the slashies and creating new identities for themselves. One of them is Mrs Cheung, a former housewife who has transformed herself into a YouTuber with a large following and living a retirement life with a difference. What is her story? Let’s talk to Mrs Cheung about her recipe for success online and in life.

  6. The definition of “middle class” has long been a subject of debate. In May 2022, HSBC Premier conducted a survey of 1,000 people in Hong Kong for fresh insights into middle class aspirations and financial needs. A key finding: a middle class person is widely thought to be someone with an average of HKD5.9 million in liquid assets. And, due to a combination of social and other factors, the ...

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