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  1. Yahoo字典
    IPA [tʃeɪndʒ]

    vt 及物動詞

    • 1. 改變 to change sb.'s mind 使某人改變主意
    • 2. 替換; 交換 the water in the goldfish bowl should be changed regularly 金魚缸裡的水應當定期更換

    vi 不及物動詞

    • 1. 改變 the price of petrol hasn't changed much 汽油價格變化不大
    • 2. 變換 the traffic lights changed from green to amber 交通燈從綠燈變成了黃燈

    n 名詞

    • 1. 改變 a change in the weather 天氣的變化
    • 2. 更換 a change of government 政府的更迭


  2. to take something you have bought back to a shop and exchange it for something else. (將購買的東西拿回店裡去)換,交換. I had to change those trousers I bought for (= take them back to the shop in order to get) a bigger pair. 我不得不把買來的褲子拿回去換了條比較大的。. change your mind. B1.

    • 中文

      CHANGE翻译:變得不同, 換,交換, 改變,變化, (將購買的 ...

    • Dictionary

      CHANGE translate: 變得不同, 換,交換, 改變,變化, (將 ...

  3. to take something you have bought back to a shop and exchange it for something else. (将购买的东西拿回店里去)换,交换. I had to change those trousers I bought for (= take them back to the shop in order to get) a bigger pair. 我不得不把买来的裤子拿回去换了条大些的。. change your mind. B1.

  4. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供change的中文意思,change的用法讲解,change的读音,change的同义词,change的反义词,change的例句等英语服务。

  5. A1 [ T ] to exchange one thing for another thing, especially of a similar type: change jobs She's just changed jobs. change the subject Let's change the subject (= talk about something different). A2 [ I or T ] to make or become different: I almost didn't recognize her - she'd changed so much.

  6. 换主人;易主;转手 to pass to a different owner. change horses in midstream. 中流换马;中途变卦;转而支持另外的人(或事) to change to a different or new activity while you are in the middle of sth else; to change from supporting one person or thing to another.

  7. 2020年1月3日 · Change可以用作名詞或動詞,有幾個意思。 Change作「改變」解時是中性,用於正負面均可,或者中立地陳述事實。 例如,The restaurant name has changed to be more easily pronounced.(餐廳名稱已改為更容易發音。

  8. Every two series, the actors change. For men accustomed to eating seven-course dinners and sleeping between fine linen sheets at home, the change to the Alps must have been very hard. Make change happen. Nothing is going to change, so the only way left, is giving up.

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