雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2012年7月15日 · 香港迪士尼樂園新景區灰熊山谷7月14日開放. 香港海洋公園 再次迎來新的旅遊景點“冰極天地”,從2012年7月13日起,你可以在海洋公園見到可愛的企鵝和海象了。. 這是繼2011年年底開放的“ 動感天地 ”和今年3月開放的“ 香港老大街 ”後,海洋公園再次推出的 ...

  2. 膽大的可以試一試“羅蘭靈異古董店”,看看各種各樣的猛鬼收藏,挑戰你的膽量極限。 或者前往“凶靈工廠”找出小鎮人口不斷失蹤的秘密,找出逃生線索。

    • Why Visiting The Victoria Peak (The peak)?
    • When Is The Best Time to Get Up to and Visit The Peak?
    • The Popular Attractions on The Peak – What Else Are There on Victoria Peak?
    • A Bit Story Behind The Peak

    If one says Hong Kong’s best attraction is her skyline, then Victoria Peak is one of the best places to enjoy the view. Victoria Peak is the highest evaluation of Hong Kong Island with an altitude of 552m (1,811ft). It is also known as Mount Austin and its Chinese name “Tai Ping Shan” literally means “Pacific Mountain Peak” or “Mountain Peak of Gre...

    Victoria Peak can be best enjoyed at dry and clear days – be it day or night. However, you need to be prepared that haze, mist, and fog can occur and limit and restrict your views. Even on sunny days, there is often a clear visible layer of Hong Kong’s air pollution hanging on top of the skyscrapers. Also you can experience low hanging clouds which...

    Peak Tram is not the only way getting up to the Peak. However, it is definitely the best. Not only because of the great city view, the fastest way to the Peak, but also due to its long history and...
    The Peak Tower sits at 396 meters above sea level. It is not only one of Hong Kong’s most stylish and modern architectural buildings, but also a complex of both leisure and shopping.It houses two o...
    The open-air Sky Terrace 428 is the highest outdoor 360 degree viewing deck in Hong Kong and located on the top of The Peak Tower with an altitude of 428 meters above sea level. Hence the number 42...
    Madame Tussauds Hong Kong opened in 2000 and is the first branch of the wax figure museum in Asia. Today’s Madame Tussauds provides 100 national and international lifelike wax figures that you can...

    Being the highest point on Hong Kong Island, Victoria Peak has been used as a natural signalling post for incoming cargo ships in the nineteenth century. During the early 20th century, it served as an exclusive residential area for expats only. The only way you could get up was by foot or by Peak Tram (since 1888). The foreign expatriates decided o...

  3. 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館. 位於凌霄閣的P1的 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館 給你與100多位名人近距離相處和拍照的機會。 無論是影視明星,政壇人物,電影形象還是體壇明星,你都有機會在這裡找到。 你可以在蠟像館的官方網站查找你感興趣的人物蠟像。 山頂除了凌霄閣,凌霄閣對面的山頂廣場也可以逛一逛。 在沒有凌霄閣之前,山頂廣場是人們觀賞山頂美景的最佳去處。

  4. 香港的士跳表價每程將上調HK$2. 環繞香港的島嶼為香港人提供了許多戶外的活動。. 而大嶼山是香港人戶外活動的首選之一。. 談到大嶼山,通常人們想到的是行山,游泳和釣魚。. 可能你不知道在大嶼山附近一個秘密的地方-沙螺灣-你有機會拍攝到飛機起飛 ...

    • 極限挑戰1
    • 極限挑戰2
    • 極限挑戰3
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    • 極限挑戰5
  5. 2011年12月8日 · [超速旋風]將帶你上到離地30米的天空之中,仿照滑翔機的設計讓你感受在天空中翱翔的刺激。 你甚至可以順風向自己調整機翼,隨你心意感受飛翔的自由。 並不是所有人都有膽量玩刺激的機動遊戲,那麼 [橫衝直撞]就是膽小的你的最好選擇。 [橫衝直撞]除了傳統碰碰車的功能之外,每輛座駕都設計別致可愛,讓你自由駕馭。 和朋友一起,撞出更多開心的火花。 [雷霆節拍]擁有獨特的飛船設計,讓你隨著悠揚的音樂在三層航道之間不斷升降。 [翻天覆地]可能是所有遊戲中最驚險刺激的。 記得在乘坐之前將口袋裡的硬幣,鑰匙,手機之類所有的東西掏空,因為 [翻天覆地]將帶你進入22米的高空,然後讓你在半空中搖擺,體會防不勝防的360度頭朝地腳朝天的心驚肉跳。 趕緊先視頻,看看你是不是能夠承受這份刺激吧!

  6. 凌霄閣摩天台428就位於香港大名鼎鼎的山頂凌霄閣頂上。. 因為海拔為428米,所以命名為“凌霄閣摩天台428”。. 這裡是香港欣賞 山頂 美景最受歡迎的觀景地點之一。不僅僅是因為這裡的高度可以讓你視野無阻,同時360度全方位開放式的觀景台,讓你可以飽覽香港港 ...

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