雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1. 立即開立定期存款. 新資金定期存款優惠:分行及電話理財優惠. 預約會面. 滙豐卓越理財尊尚客戶以指定貨幣新資金,開立特定存款期定期存款,可尊享較儲蓄存款更高特惠利率。 立即了解最新新資金定期存款優惠。

  2. 投保資格. 您須同時符合以下資格,才可投保「滙豐裕達年金計劃」:. 年齡介乎19至75歲 [@birthdaydefinition]視乎所選年金期而定. 符合我們對國籍(國家/地區)、地址及居住地規定所限,而該規定或時有修改. 「滙豐裕達年金計劃」是具備儲蓄成分人壽保險 ...

  3. Exchange renminbi with tradable rates around-the-clock 1 using our 24-Hour Foreign Exchange Service via Personal Internet Banking. Simply convert your fund to renminbi to make the most of potential gains in currency movements at any time. Have the freedom to make other renminbi investments at any time when you spot an opportunity.

  4. 查閱最新港元、美元、人民幣及各種外幣儲蓄存款利率,讓您賺取可觀利息回報。.

  5. HSBC Reward+ is an all-in-one platform dedicated to HSBC credit cards in Hong Kong. It brings thoughtfully-designed tools at your fingertips: Use your RewardCash (RC) Pay your credit card bills with RC. Settle your card statement or any of your purchases by RC with just a click. Details > Convert RC into miles or other travel privileges.

  6. Information on the Total Relationship Balance, which determines what level of bonus interest on Hong Kong dollar savings accounts and below balance fee of HSBC Premier you can enjoy.

  7. 用於認證必須文件. 客戶必須親自攜帶以下文件正本前往滙豐海外分行進行文件認證。. 身分證明文件(護照、香港身分證等) 戶口所有權證明文件(有效戶口借記卡、支票簿、儲蓄存摺、戶口結單等) 未簽署客戶指示(如銀行申請表/指示表/指示函),因為您 ...

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