雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1. ESG問題受廣泛注意. 圖1:甚麼是ESG? 全球可持續性挑戰給投資者帶來新的風險,現時投資者或會尋求重新評估傳統的投資方式。 最常出現的可持續性挑戰包括水災風險、海平面上升、私隱及數據安全、人口結構變化,以及監管壓力。 能管理好環境、社會及管治(ESG)因素的企業,對投資者而言具有吸引力。 相反,忽視ESG因素對未來成功重要性的企業是尤為高風險投資。 圖1資料來自安聯投資。 以上資料在本文件刊發時有效。 2. 可持續投資的主要推動因素. 圖2:可持續投資推動因素. 隨著投資者對以ESG為重點或可持續投資的意識不斷加強,新冠疫情加速了對ESG的需求。 以ESG為重點及可持續投資相關的監管持續發展,例如歐盟可持續行動計劃(分類法、SFDR、MiFID II、CSRD)。

  2. 2019年12月6日 · 亞馬遜森林於8月多處起火,受災範圍接近1,200萬公頃。亞馬遜森林釋放出全球20%嘅氧氣,失去地球之肺,除咗會加劇全球暖化外,仲會為全球經濟帶嚟損失。 保育環境,所得

    • What Is Biodiversity?
    • Why Is Biodiversity in Crisis?
    • Essential Services For Human Society
    • Contributing to Climate Change Mitigation
    • The Financial Cost of Less Biodiversity
    • A Key Challenge: Measuring Ecosystem Services
    • Expecting A Coordinated Policy Response
    • Aligning Climate and Biodiversity Ambitions Through Investment

    An extensive variety of plant and animal life in the world is considered vital for life as we know it – a concept that’s known as biodiversity.3More specifically, this refers to the variety of life on Earth at three interdependent levels: diversity within species (genetic diversity), between species (species diversity) and between ecosystems (ecosy...

    At this point in time, we are in an era of unprecedented biodiversity decline. More than one million species are under threat, plastic pollution threatens about 66% of the marine environment and plant species have declined by about 50%. Human activity is mostly to blame, with the main causes being changes in land and sea use, direct exploitation of...

    Biodiversity is about more than just the species we consider rare or threatened: it encompasses the food we eat, the oxygen we breathe, the medicinal plants that heal us and the clean water we drink. In fact, the continuing loss of biodiversity directly threatens human health and increases the risk of future infectious diseases emerging. We owe eve...

    Indeed, the challenges of climate change and biodiversity are intertwined. “We can’t be net zero unless we are nature positive,” explains David Craig, co-chair of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), which was launched in June 2021. Healthy ecosystems help to mitigate climate change and limit global warming by delivering ca...

    Turning to the economy, more than half of the world’s USD 44 trillion GDP depends on nature, according to the World Economic Forum. Consequently, a decline in so-called natural capital risks significant damage to the global economy. From medicines to raw materials, food to tourism – businesses across all sectors depend directly or indirectly on nat...

    As the saying goes: you treasure what you can measure. But the measurement of “ecosystem services” provided by biodiversity is challenging. While there are many proposed indicators and variables, there’s a lack of consensus about how to put a “price label” on nature’s services and the cost of biodiversity loss. Agreement is important, however, as i...

    Despite all international initiatives and accumulated scientific knowledge, the world community has failed to address the biodiversity crisis. Simply put, the topic has not captured the same political attention as climate. Yet this is changing as awareness grows, especially following the failure to meet the 2010 Aichi targets.7 As a result, a coord...

    How investors can engage with companies to influence change…

    Investors have an opportunity to lead the transition towards a nature-positive system. As risks associated with biodiversity degradation can directly reduce financial returns, we believe that it is key to consider biodiversity-related aspects in the investment process. This can be done by ensuring that companies formalise commitments to protecting biodiversity and apply them consistently in their operations. We consider it important to apply exclusion criteria early in the investment process...

    …and how they can invest for impact

    There is also an opportunity to back the innovative companies protecting biodiversity. This includes solutions for carbon sequestration, the circular economy or regenerative agriculture. The UN Convention on Biological Diversity, in the new global biodiversity framework, has highlighted that “adequate financial resources to implement the framework are available and deployed, progressively closing the financing gap up to at least USD 700 billion per year by 2030.” Additionally, impact investin...

    Urgent rallying cry

    Awareness of biodiversity's crisis is finally growing. As scientists have warned for many years, the challenges of climate change and biodiversity are interlinked. Both represent threats to the wellbeing of human society that must be tackled urgently. As investors everywhere consider the question of how to invest sustainably, biodiversity has an important part to play in the answer. Protecting and nurturing the Earth's natural resources is clearly essential for the environment and society. It...

  3. 人工智能. 就是未來. AI是Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)的縮寫。 人工智能是指模仿人類活動或行為或其他能力的機器或技術, 包括但不限於機器學習、 機械人技術、 視像或語言處理及資訊處理。 人工智能的定義可能隨著時間增加或改變。 本基金投資於環球股票市場內業務將受惠於或現時與人工智能發展有關的公司,以達致長期資本增值。 本基金須承受重大風險包括投資/一般市場、集中程度、公司特定、新興市場、貨幣〔如外匯管制,尤其是人民幣〕,及因貨幣貶值對人民幣計價股份類別構成不利影響。 本基金可為有效投資組合管理〔包括對沖〕投資於金融衍生工具,會涉及較高的槓桿、交易對手、流通性、估值、波幅、市場及場外交易風險。 此基金不會為投資目的而廣泛投資於這些工具。

  4. 投資於為清潔能源生產、高效能源儲存和可持續能源消耗提供解決方案的公司,有助推動和塑造能源轉型,同時提供吸引的投資機會. 歐洲前所未見的乾旱、澳洲的洪水、印度4月創 紀錄的高溫以及世界各地的森林大火,這些都 是全球氣候正在發生巨大變化的先兆,同時向 我們展示了全球變暖的後果。 氣候變化及其對 經濟增長和環境破壞的相關風險引起了我們的 關注。 科學家們警告,遏制溫室氣體排放和防 止災難性全球變暖所剩的時間已經不多,現時 全球正面對創紀錄的高能源價格和部分地區出 現能源短缺,這一切都說明,現在正是以承諾和 決心推動能源系統轉型的時候 —尤其是可持續 能源生產、創新儲存解決方案和更具可持續性 的能源消耗。

  5. 2018年5月8日 · 無人機航拍成為了新潮流,但除了消閒娛樂之外,大家又知不知道,無人機的商業用途非常廣泛?安聯基金經理鍾秀霞認為,其實除了軍事用途,在建築業、農業甚至基建行業,都

  6. 24/06/2020. 摘要. 聯合國可持續發展目標(The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals)反映了對最緊迫環境及社會問題的全球共識。 圍繞可持續發展目標建立的新投資計劃,正幫助投資者將資本引至具有增長潛力的公司,同時解決全球面對的最大問題。 要點. 新型冠狀病毒疫情封城措施解除後,大部分中國企業已復工復產,主要數據顯示經濟正朝著大流行病之前的水平邁進。 即使中國復甦溫和,亦有助推動其他 亞洲經濟體在渡過危機高峰之後實現類似復甦。 今次大流行病對經濟的影響尚未完全為人所知,投資者應謹慎行事,並精心選擇投資目標。 擁有強大持倉能力的長期投資者可能會在新興亞洲市場中發現機會,而這些機遇可能提供良好的價值。

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