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    Most are herbaceous perennial plants 0.25–1 metre (1–3 ft) tall, but some are woody shrubs 0.25–3.5 metres (1–11 ft) tall. They have compound, deeply lobed leaves and large, often fragrant flowers, in colors ranging from purple and pink to red, white or yellow, in late spring and early summer.

  2. 2022年2月2日 · Peony plants offer big, fluffy, fragrant flowers in a wide range of colors, forms and sizes. These resilient, long-lived (some to 100 years) perennial bushes have a history of popularity as a garden plant. On this page: Basics | Planting | Care & Pruning | Pictures | Design Ideas | Weddings & Floral. BASICS. Zones:

  3. 牡丹 ( 學名 :Paeonia × suffruticosa )为 芍药科 芍药属 的一種落叶小灌木,擁有非常巨大且多層的花朵,是起源于 中国 的一个 杂交 栽培种 ,高1~1.5米;二回三出复叶,小叶常3-5裂。 初夏开白色、红色或紫色花,花单生大型, 雌蕊 生于肉质花盘上,密被细毛。 常見於和中國文化有關之工藝品中,例如 唐朝 和 清朝 的女子頭飾、 工筆畫 、 漢服 紋樣等。 名稱. 牡丹有许多别称,各有其起因与出处。 一曰“ 花王 ”,出自《 本草纲目 》:“群芳中以牡丹为第一,故世谓花王。 ” [1]

  4. May 1, 2024. Peonies are perennials that return yearly to take your breath away with the fattest, most scrumptious flowers and lush green foliage. Learn how to plant, grow, and care for peonies year-round.

  5. Peony | Hong Kong | 花店 - 花生花華 Fa Sunflower. 用途分類. 節日分類. 永恆玫瑰. 婚嫁. 花瓣氣球及相關. More. Peony. 牡丹花是非常名貴的花卉,被稱為「花中之王」,一直被我們視為富貴、吉祥、幸福、繁榮的象徵,自古以來就被推崇為「國色天香」,白牡丹花語:高潔、端莊秀雅、儀態萬千、國色天香、守信的人。 紫牡丹花語:花瓣呈紫色的牡丹,花語是『難為情』。 紅色花系花語:生命、期待、淡淡的愛。 綠色花系花語:花型寬厚的紅花,被稱為百花之王,花語是『富貴、圓滿』。 深色系牡丹花語:死了都要愛。 很多詩人也為牡丹花留下了膾炙人口的詩句,唐代 · 劉禹錫《賞牡丹》: 「庭前芍藥妖無格,池上芙蕖淨少情。 唯有牡丹真國色,花開時節動京城。 排序方式.

  6. 2023年10月16日 · These peony flower types include: Single – One or two rows of broad petals encircles a visible center of stamens and carpels on single peony flowers. Japanese – Like the single peony flower, the Japanese-style peony blossom has only one or two

  7. Uses: Peony flowers are a classic ingredient of the perennial border. They are perfect for mixed borders, foundation plantings, and cottage gardens. Peony flowers make excellent cut flowers and are popular for weddings and other special occasions. Long-lived: Peonies can live up to 50 years with proper care.

  8. 2024年3月17日 · Peonies are low maintenance flowering perennial plants that add beauty and colors in gardens and landscapes, especially from spring to fall. Generally, mature peonies grow about 2 to 7 ft, depending on the type. Some are fragrant, while others are unscented. The leaves of peonies vary depending on the type and variety of peony.

  9. 2022年9月12日 · Chinese peony (Paeonia lactiflora), the common garden peony, is a long-lived perennial and a fragrant garden flower. Learn how to grow it.

  10. 2024年5月10日 · With their layers of large petals, vibrant hues, and sweet scent, peonies make a beautiful addition to any bouquet or garden. Although pink is a fan favorite, colors include white, red, yellow, and orange. The plants may look delicate, but they're quite hardy and easy to grow with proper peony care and conditions.

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