雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 有書評人說,在人類足跡踏遍五湖四海,甚至不乏登月旅行團的今天,旅遊文學已死!不過,身為旅遊文學作家的Sara Wheeler 則持有不同的見解。Sara不但為旅遊文學「平反」,還會細細分析這種文體,暢談其筆下主角與反派人物,剖析遊記在文學世界的獨特

  2. 2017年7月22日 · Come with a paper, pen and an open mind! Sara Wheeler will lead a travel writing workshop exploring place, emotion, personal roots, and how to channel those into writing.

  3. 支援留學旅程 每步倍感安心. 負笈海外,是既興奮又刺激的新體驗;留學英國,當然絕無例外,但身在異鄉,要適應截然不同的風俗、語言、飲食甚至貨幣,心情忐忑也是人之常情。. 毋需擔心!. 英國每年接待不少國際學生,經驗豐富,相信不用多久,你已可融 ...

  4. 抑或是出於探索或逃避?旅遊文學是否表達了我們甚少在其他寫作形式中看到的東西?主持人陶傑將聯同兩位英國旅遊作家Sara Wheeler 及Tim Moore討論以上種種議題,讓讀者認識不同形式的旅遊文學,並探討旅遊文學歷久不衰、至今仍然吸引廣大讀者的魅力

  5. Moderated by Chip Tsao, and joined by British travel writers Sara Wheeler and Tim Moore, the panel discussion will help familiarise readers with the various forms of travel literature and explore why contemporary travel writing continues to provoke wide interest

  6. 2017年7月21日 · What’s the point of travel writing? Sara Wheeler talks about the genre – including her heroes and villains – and makes a case for the value of travel writing in the literary canon. Critics like to say that travel writing is dead, now that we’ve been everywhere – and after all we’re not far short of package tours to the moon.

  7. Last year 493,000 students from 200 countries were welcomed to the UK, most of them making use of the excellent additional advice and support we offer to make their journey as easy as possible. This support is called ‘pastoral care’ and is available from any university or college that welcomes students from overseas.