雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 只要搞懂日本的地理關係與行政劃分,就算是路癡也能完成日本自由行!. 暢遊日本不難,但要搞懂日本行政單位的劃分,對旅人來說畢竟有一定的難度,在這樣的基礎上最簡單的分辨原則,便是了解究竟提及的是都道府縣或是市區町村。. 舉例來說,大家熟知的 ...

  2. 2017年12月4日 · Here are the actual requirements to become a citizen of Japan. A person must meet the following conditions: • Having continuously had a domicile in Japan for five years or more; • Being 20 years of age or more and having the capacity to act according to his/her national law; • Being a person of good conduct; • Being able to make a ...

  3. 2016年6月10日 · 彼時的德川幕府早已頒下鎖國令全國商阜市廛禁通外國唯有長崎港享有豁免而來路繁雜的西洋商人中只有荷蘭人得到了幕府的青睞被准許通商1641年日本在驅逐葡萄牙人之後將長崎出島的外國人居所轉予荷蘭荷蘭商人在此設立商館

  4. 2019年3月18日 · Moving to Japan evokes ideas of picnics under cherry blossoms, nights at karaoke bars and lots of adventure. But before packing your bags, read up about the basics of what to expect when immigrating and living in Japan, including some new potential changes in labor law, tax law and visa requirements that you should know about. 1.

  5. 2017年6月27日 · Permanent residency in Japan now possible after just one year. Are Japan’s efforts at internationalization succeeding or not? Japanese tourism board hires American expat as professional ninja. Japan has loosened its requirements for obtaining permanent residency to include even more fields of employment.

  6. 2019年4月4日 · Download the form from here and fill it out carefully. Double check that you have everything, or you may be asked to refile your application. ・A 4cm x 3cm Photo. Be sure to look clean, put together and friendly in your photo. The photo should only be from the shoulders up, just like a passport photo.

  7. 1. 大家一起暢遊豪斯登堡、領略世界第一夜景的光之王國! 豪斯登堡是一處重現17世紀荷蘭街景的主題度假勝地園內備有完善的遊樂設施餐廳及商舖讓您一天玩不夠。 除了白天的各種遊樂設施,夜晚的光之王國也非常受歡迎。 光之王國採用了1300多萬支LED所組成的彩燈是世界之最,也是園內最為經典的部分。 3D立體映射技術、光音迷宮等節目每年都會有所不同。 不要錯過這沉浸在光之海洋中豪斯登堡喲。 豪斯登堡. (c)豪斯登堡/J-17693. - chinese02.huistenbosch.co.jp (繁體中文) 2. 體驗日本最尖端科技! 機器人館(豪斯登堡) 您不僅可以製作機器人,並和其親密互動,實際搭乘並操控機器人才是重點。 種類繁多的機器人商店和機器人舞蹈表演也很受歡迎。

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