雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Maxim's Catering Services. 為各工商界、教育界、醫療衛生界提供專業餐飲服務。 1. 2. 工商界. 教育界. 醫療衛生界. 餐飲服務(到會及特色餐廳)

  2. 我們為各類大小活動承辦到會美食服務,包括婚宴酒席、茶會、雞尾酒會、周年派對、贊助活動,以至社會服務機構籌款義賣等慈善活動。 歡迎聯絡我們查詢詳情,我們將有專人為貴機構活動安排站式美食到會服務。

  3. 美心集團餐飲服務除了為多間醫院及學校製作營養價值豐富優質膳食,也主營特色餐廳,適合舉辦不同類型私人聚會、節日慶祝派對及婚宴派對,點擊以下類別以獲取更多詳情。

  4. Maxims' catering not only serves hospital and educational institutions for quality meal full of high nutritional value, but also mange special restaurants which suitable for functions ranging from private party, festive celebration to wedding party. Find more details in the following.

  5. Events and Restaurants - Maxim's Catering Services. 首頁 > 餐飲服務(到會及特色餐廳) >特色餐廳.

  6. EVENT CATERING SERVICES. Apart from institutional catering, our specialty also lies in customizing menu to our clients for special occasions like wedding banquet, cocktail reception, inauguration ceremony, fund-raising events and annual dinner etc. Contact us for more details and enjoy our one-stop catering services for a memorable fabulous event.

  7. la terrazza bar & grill 佔地多達1萬呎。. 室內利用高雅簡約自然色系作主調,富歐陸風格牆飾及燈飾設計,營造悠閒愜意意式餐廳風格。. 戶外環境設計獨特,選用純白休閒桌椅連特大太陽傘,並設有舒適梳化座;更可飽覽城門河岸優美景致。. 餐廳更備有頂級 ...