雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 小便失禁原因 相關

  2. 前列腺炎是成年男性的常見疾病,尿道感染會引起急性或慢性前列腺炎,歡迎致電查詢及預約。 細心、認真、專科醫生幫您解決泌尿科問題,專科醫生主理。


  1. 大小便失禁 There are many possible causes of faecal incontinence, including damage to the muscles which control bowel movements during childbirth . 失禁的原因可能很多,其中包括控制大腸蠕動的肌肉在分娩的時候受損。

  2. incontinenceuk/ɪnˈkɒn.tɪ.nəns/us/ɪnˈkɑːn.tə.nəns/nounspecialized. inability to control the excretion of urine or the contents of the bowels: There are many possible causes of faecal incontinence, including damage to the muscles which control bowel movements during childbirth.大小便失禁原因可能很多,其中包括控制 ...

  3. 失禁. incontinence uk / ɪnˈkɒn.tɪ.nəns/ us / ɪnˈkɑːn.tə.nəns/ noun specialized. inability to control the excretion of urine or the contents of the bowels: There are many possible causes of faecal incontinence, including damage to the muscles which control bowel movements during childbirth. 大小便失禁的原因可能很多 ...

  4. Add to word list Add to word list. inability to control the excretion of urine or the contents of the bowels. (大小便失禁. There are many possible causes of faecal incontinence, including damage to the muscles which control bowel movements during childbirth. 大小便失禁原因可能很多,其中包括控制大肠蠕动的 ...

  5. adjective. uk / ɪnˈkɒn.tɪ.nənt / us / ɪnˈkɑːn.tə.nənt / Add to word list. unable to control the excretion of urine or the contents of the bowels. (大小便失禁的. Many of our elderly patients are incontinent. 我們許多上年紀的病人都有失禁問題。

  6. 應力性尿失禁最常見的原因是盆底肌無力。 Indications of stress incontinence include leaking urine when sneezing or laughing. 應力性尿失禁的症狀包括打噴嚏或大笑時尿溢出。 比較. urge incontinence. 减少例句. Stress incontinence can be treated with exercises or surgery. Studies also suggest that vaginal deliveries frequently lead women to develop stress incontinence years later.

  7. 失禁. incontinence uk / ɪnˈkɒn.tɪ.nəns/ us / ɪnˈkɑːn.tə.nəns/ noun specialized. inability to control the excretion of urine or the contents of the bowels: There are many possible causes of faecal incontinence, including damage to the muscles which control bowel movements during childbirth. 大小便失禁的原因可能很多 ...