雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Act calmly. Avoid evacuating by elevators that have not been ensured safety. When safety is confirmed. Pay attention to aftershocks and secondary disasters and return to your lodging facility. This website provides international tourists in Japan with information about safe travel.

  2. Airline. Choose your airline. -Please note that transport services including train service may be disrupted in case of a disaster such as an earthquake. -For service information about code-share flights, please check the website of the airline actually operating the flight.

  3. When travelling in Japan, it is important to act in accordance with the accurate information provided by information sources in Japan. This site contains links to the websites of NHK WORLD for news, the Japan Meteorological Agency for weather information, and airlines and railway companies for traffic information.

  4. 日本政府観光局(JNTO) - Japan National Tourism Organization

  5. It will be announced when standard warning level is highly expected and there is a high risk of a major disaster which only occurs once in a few decades. Immediate need to relocate to a safe area. ・Immediate need to take appropriate actions in order to ensure one's safety.

  6. Earthquake Early Warnings. When the Japan Meteorological Agency expects a strong vibration to occur immediately after an earthquake, it issues advance warnings as quickly as possible to provide all areas in Japan with information about estimated arrival times and seismic intensities.

  7. 紧急地震速报. 紧急地震速报是在地震刚发生后,当预测可能有强烈摇晃时由气象厅发布的警报。. 速报将对强烈摇晃抵达各地的时间与震度进行预测,并在摇晃开始前尽早通告市民。. 紧急地震速报会通过电视机、收音机、普通手机及智能手机进行播报,播报时 ...

  8. 匽内業勲事例/厣卌事儅(勽 本) ビジット・ジャパン匽内勰(Vol.467) 1 1月 概況(匽内業勲や訪日勭客の動匇) 〜勽日本〜 <卐畿 ...

  9. 又があり、1日乗り放匑のバスカードなども勶 でしか儔 できない。 新梅田シティ 匫合インフォメーション 「参中僃園」にお僃はない

  10. 「⼊国外国⼈の男⼥別、年齢別、国籍別」については、法務省発表の出⼊国管理統計年報(当該年の翌年7⽉に公表)により公表されています。 また、⽉別の「港別⼊国外国⼈数」及び「⼊国外国⼈の国籍別在留資格」は、同省発表の出⼊国管理統計⽉報(当該⽉の翌々⽉下旬に公表)により公表されています(ただし法務省発表の⼊国外国⼈総数はJNTO発表の訪⽇外客数と異なります)。 出入国管理統計統計表(出入国在留管理庁) (参考)日本から各国・地域への到着者数. 各国・地域別 日本人訪問者数〔日本から各国・地域への到着者数〕. ⽇本⼈旅⾏者の国別訪問者数については、各国の受⼊国統計やUNWTOの統計から情報⼊⼿可能な範囲で転記しJNTOでまとめています。