雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 目標 - 創造一個可再次重新定義服務式住宅標準的產品 -雖然實現創建的只有二十間住宅,每間住宅佔據整個樓層,有著開闊的視野,香港大球場和周圍群山一覽無遺的景致,距離銅鑼灣旺區僅一箭之遙。. 2013. THE LODGE BY V. The Lodge by V首度進駐九龍。. The Lodge by V ...

  2. 毗連香港會議展覽中心,方便出席會議及展覽人士。. 全幢共25伙,於細節感受貼心,由舒適睡床、寫意起居室、工作枱及廚房設備一應俱全。. V Wanchai面積由500至780呎,花園開放式更是值得品味人士選擇。. The V 灣仔短租服務式住宅,現代開放式空間特色設計 ...

  3. 全幢共25伙,於细节感受贴心,由舒适睡床、写意起居室、工作枱及厨房设备一应俱全。. V Wanchai面积由500至780呎,花园开放式更是值得品味人士选择。. 租务部职员将于48小时内与您联络. V 湾仔服务式住宅美轮美奂,兼具现代特色,体验与众不同。. 只需步行数 ...

  4. 香港V铜锣湾2期提供尊尚服务式住宅出租:. 一房或两房户型任君选择。. 若要体验极致奢华,请选择配有宽敞私人花园露台的V豪华套房。. 本住宅提供900至1,800平方英尺面积不等的服务式住宅。. 入住 V Causeway Bay 2 服务式公寓,体验匠心独到、脱俗优雅环境,极致 ...

  5. Choose from our One or Two-Bedroom accommodations to suit your needs. For the ultimate luxury, opt for the V Grand Suite which comes with a spacious private terrace boasting a barbeque grill and two soak tubs. Our serviced apartments at V Causeway 2 range from 900 – 1,800 ft² in size.

  6. Amid shopping centres, business hubs, casual restaurants and fine dining, all are within walking distance of public transportation. To cater to the needs of individuals, couples or families with children, our serviced apartments range in variety from Studios to One-Bedroom and Two-Bedroom apartments. ENQUIRY. +852 3602 2388. reservations@theV.hk.

  7. To cater to the needs of individuals, couples or families with children, our serviced apartments range in variety from Studios to One-Bedroom and Two-Bedroom apartments. Enquiry. The V serviced apartments in Causeway Bay, Happy Valley, Wan Chai and West Kowloon. Spacious space, fully equipped kitchen, and exceptional amenities.