雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年11月10日 · All About Kuroshima Tenshudo!! All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday!

  2. 京都古稱「平安京」,從公元9世紀桓武天皇起,日本就建都在此,直到19世紀後期明治天皇遷都至東京,這一千多年的時間裡,京都一直都是日本重要的政治、經濟、文化中心,素有「千年古都」的美稱。然而想要熟門熟路穿梭在京都這座千年古都,其實一點都不困難!只要把握幾條主要幹道和了解 ...

  3. 2021年3月26日 · Ancient Ukiyo-e Battle Comes to Life. The Battle of Sekigahara, fought on October 21, 1600, was one of the most important battles in Japanese feudal history. The scene was depicted in the 1700s on a 6-panel byoubu folding screen that remains housed in the Osaka Museum of History. In a new installation that just went on display, the videographer ...

  4. 2019年3月18日 · There are two main stations in central Nara: JR Nara and Kintetsu Nara. Direct trains run from Kyoto Station to both, and each trip takes around 30 to 55 minutes, one-way, and costs between ¥710 to ¥1,200. From Osaka-Namba Station you can get directly to Kintetsu Nara in about 40 minutes. A one-way trip costs ¥560.

  5. 無路可退的江戶幕府,為了避免挨打,只好與之簽訂了不平等條約《神奈川條約》,開放了兩處港口。當然這只是開始。在那之後,日本與美國又簽訂了更為重要的《日美修好通商條約》,與「列強」美荷英法簽訂了《安政五國通商條約》,其中規定了一大批新的開放港口、自由貿易和外國人居留 ...

  6. 2017年3月30日 · Right away, we can see the pattern of kanji-hiragana-kanji-hiragana-kanji-hiragana, which quickly tells us we have three basic ideas in the sentence. 1. 私は: Watashi (I) and ha (the subject marker) 2. 車を: kuruma (the car) and wo (the object marker) 3. 見た: mi – (the verb “see”) and - ta (marking the verb as past tense)

  7. 2019年1月7日 · The Intricate Detail of Kirie Paper Cutting. Kirie (切り絵, literally "cut picture") is the Japanese art of paper-cutting. Variations of kirie can be found in cultures around the world, but the Japanese version is said to be derived from religious ceremonies and can be traced back to around the AD 700s.