雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2018-03-19 儲存易連續13年獲頒「商界展關懷10+」嘉許 2018-02-02 儲存易。香港卓越服務品牌 2018-02-01 歡樂滿東華感謝狀 + 關於儲存易 公司簡介 傳媒報導 工作機會 儲存易網誌 + 服務與產品 最新優惠 迷你倉 ...

  2. 2018年,儲存易迷你倉推出「Storefriendly Go」,為全球首間迷你倉引入智能機械人操作迷你倉櫃,令迷你倉整體效率、環境及安全性提升,顧客身處的迷你倉分店亦更舒適寫意。

  3. 儲存易慈善基金獲公益榮譽獎. 2017-07-21. 香港創意文化產業大獎2017頒獎典禮. 2017-04-27. 開心工作間標誌頒發典禮2017. 2017-03-31. 香港網球總會頒受感謝狀予儲存易. 2017-03-13. 2017-連續12年獲社聯頒發商界展關懷.

  4. The 9th Hong Kong Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Logo Enterprise Category Is awarded to 2018.12.14

  5. Storefriendly is the world´s first to power self storage services with a state-of-the-art robotics system. Unlike traditional bank safe deposit boxes, Storefriendly´s fully automated security cabinet can hold larger valuable items like premium handbags, luxury clothing, and property deeds.

  6. About Storefriendly. Storefriendly was founded in 2002. As of today it operates over 130 branches around Asia, which more than half of them are self-owned properties, totaling 40,000+ self-storage units across Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Singapore. All shops are managed by business intelligence system with computerized security surveillance ...

  7. 儲存易集團發展完全切合時代需要,努力尋求創新的迷你倉推介服務。在2018年,儲存易迷你倉集團與時並進,建立了「Storefriendly 大型保險箱」智能倉品牌,儲存易迷你倉提供的大型智能倉保險箱能夠安放大型的貴重物品,如高檔手提包,奢侈品服飾及樓契