雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 在職場英文會話中常常會用到不同的簡報英文電話英文會議英文......等商用英文對話範例尤其在全球化經濟的今天商業英文口說也越來越受到重視所以這邊YES編編幫大家整理了 100 句職場英文會話幫助你需要在辦公室開口說職場英文對話時能馬上應用起來

    • (3)
    • 職場英文會話:代表公司做英文自我介紹
    • 職場英文會話:安排交通方法
    • 職場英文會話:尋求合作機會
    • 職場英文會話:接打辦公室電話留言
    • 職場英文會話:安排時間約見面
    • 職場英文會話:道歉方式
    • 職場英文會話:謝謝方式
    • 職場英文會話:祝賀稱讚
    • 職場英文會話:談判協議
    • 職場英文會話:人事相關

    1. We specialize in this line of business. 我們專門經營此項服務。 2. We have been engaged in this business for the past 20 years. 敝公司從事這個業務已經有 20 年的經驗。 4. We have four manufacturing plants in different countries: China, Japan, Spain and Philippines. 我們在不同的國家共有四個製造工廠:中國大陸、日本、西班牙及菲律賓。 5. We have full confidence that we will meet all your requirements. 我們有信心可以滿足...

    7. Can I get a seat for today’s 7:00 a.m. train? 我可以買到今天上午 7 點的火車座位嗎? 8. Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? 請你更改一下從倫敦到東京的班機日期好嗎? 9. May I reconfirm my flight? 我可以確認我的班機嗎? 10. How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive? 火車還要多少分鐘就要到達呢? 11. How much does it cost to go there by ship? 坐船到那裡要花多少錢? 12. Can I cancel this ...

    14. We would appreciate your kind consideration in the next negotiation. 在接下來的洽談中,我們真心感激您能考慮我們的合作。 15. No problem. I hope we can keep a good business relationship in the future. 當然的。我希望我們在未來能保持一個良好的合作關係。 16. I wish a brisk business for us all and a long-time development in our business. 我也希望我們雙方都生意興隆,我們雙方的合作能夠長期共贏互利。 17. I think we can draw up a te...

    19. Can I talk to Mark? 我可以跟 Mark講話嗎? 20. He is out on his lunch break right now. Would you like to leave a message? 他出去吃午飯了,你要留言嗎? 21. When he comes back, can you have him call me at 5551212? 他回來後, 能不能讓他打5551212這個號碼給我?

    22. I’d like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 如果您有空我想明天跟您見個面。 23. Should I visit you, or would you like to come over here and talk about it? 我能去拜訪您,或是您要過來討論呢? 24. I would like to talk about it more often if you have time tomorrow. 假使你明天有空,我想要多討論一下 25. What do you say if we talk about it at your office? 你覺得我們在你的辦公室討論如何? 26. What time would be c...

    44. I take full responsibility for my behavior / actions. 我會為我的行為負全責。 45. I will make every effort to make sure that this will never happen again. 我將盡一切努力確保事情不會再次發生。 46. I assure you that I will do my best to avoid similar mistakes in the future. 我向你保證,我會盡我所能,以避免今後再次發生類似的錯誤。 47. I should have checked the quality of our products more thoroughly. 我應該...

    49. Thank you for your help in securing an alternative supplier when our shipping consignment was delayed recently. 感謝您在我們最近貨物運送延遲時幫助找到替代供應商。 50. We’re grateful for your support in business activity. 我們非常感謝您對商業活動的支持。 51. Thank you for your great service over the years. 感謝您多年來的出色服務。 52. Thank you for your prompt response to our needs / request. 感謝您對...

    61. Our client really liked your proposal for their marketing campaign today. Good work! 我們的客戶對於你今天提出的行銷企劃案非常喜歡,做得好! 62. I heard that you managed to close a 50,000 deal for the company last week. Way to go! 我聽說你上週為公司談定了一筆五萬美金的訂單,幹得好! 63. Hats off! It takes great courage to do that. 佩服!這需要很大的勇氣去完成。 64. Great work on your project. Keep going! 你的專案做得很...

    67. We reached a deadlock quite early in the negotiation. 我們在談判中早已陷入僵局。 68. We understand your concerns, but we disagree with what you have proposed. 我們了解您的考量,但是我們不同意您的提議。 69. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on this. 我恐怕在這點不能同意你。 70. Unfortunately, we are not on the same page. 很不幸地,我們與您的想法不一致。恐怕沒辦法同意您的意見。 71. One of the key reasons for this propo...

    78. Please contact the Personnel Office for welfare information. 福利方面之資訊請與人事室聯繫。 79. Please report to the Personnel Office by February 14. 我要通知您於2月14日前至本單位人事室辦理報到。 80. Please report to the Personnel Office at 9 o’clock on the morning of your first day. 請您第一天上班時,於早上9點至人事室報到。 81. You have completed the procedure for reporting-for-duty. 您已完成報到手續。 82. ...

  3. 日常商用英文對話情境完美示範! 自我介紹 (Introduction)實用例句. We are desirous of extending our connections in your country. 我們擬拓展本公司在貴國的業務。 We have been having a good sale of umbrellas and are desirous of expanding our market to your country. 我們的雨傘一直很暢銷,而我們想要在貴國擴展敝公司的經營市場。 We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as one of the most reputable exporters.

  4. 2019年7月16日 · 你知道商用英文跟日常英文有哪些不同嗎?職場英文用不好會大大減低你的專業度!這次整理了200個職場必備的商用英文單字涵蓋了常用單字動詞e-mail句型以及商業英文單字表pdf下載讓你在職場上的英文比別人用得更好更精準!

  5. 想要提升商業英文競爭力YesOnline提供200個商業英文必備單字以及10大精選商業英文句型搭配3種商業英文自學教材讓你在商業上使用英文無往不利輕鬆掌握商業英文

  6. 2023年2月16日 · 商用英文會話範例一次瞭解10種必學情境. 情境一:打招呼. Hello,/Good Morning,/Good afternoon, how do you do? (哈囉/早安/午安,你好嗎? I am happy to meet you. (我很高興認識你。 It is a pleasure to meet you. (很高興遇見你。 情境二:接聽、轉接電話. Good afternoon, this is Amy. How may I direct your call? (午安,為你服務的是Amy,請問你要轉接的分機號碼是什麼? Please hold while I connect you. (轉接中請稍後。 3. I'm connecting you right now.

  7. 1. Meeting. 開會. 2. Negotiating. 談判. 3. Writing an email. 電子郵件撰寫. 全方位增進商用英文能力! 商用英文學習資源總整理. 商用英文書. 商用英文雜誌. 線上商用英文課程. 10 個商用英文單字:擺脫口語感! 瞬間升級高級職場英文. 平時講話、聊天用字大多平易近人,不過當場景搬到職場,便要注意言詞是否嚴謹、得體,以下分享 10 個英文單字,不論是應用在商務會議還是書信,都能一秒提升正式感! 確認:make sure → ensure. 考慮:think over → consider. 開始:start → launch. 修改:change → modify. 收到:get → receive. 需要:need → require.

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