雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年4月9日 · 像是酒精噴霧、酒精濕紙巾、除菌噴霧都是很多家庭出行時的必備品。 日本企業和個人的新挑戰 疫情期間,最受影響的應該就是日本的旅遊業和餐飲業了。

  2. 這款產品除了可用於頸部護理之外,對腳踝、手腕、臉部不同地方均有高效的保作用,對於備受冬季寒風摧殘的肌膚來說,這款含高透明質酸的產品也是一件必不可少的裝備。 最重要的是,價格只要465日元,快快入手吧! 的確,松本清裡的商品實在太繁多,有了這篇推薦,大家就可以帶著選購優先度,暢快掃貨啦! 自由譯員、編輯、《透世文學》會員。 一個人一輩子一張臉孔,一生你也精彩過、徬徨過、悲傷過;年少時也海誓山盟過、撕心裂肺過。 以後的生活,你就靜下來心,不慌不忙,用文字把這些老舊的片段裝幀成一冊子書籍,放在平靜的案頭,閒暇時候,翻過來讀一讀.... 對日系化妝品情有獨鍾的朋友們來說“松本清藥妝店”一定不陌生吧! 作為日本最大的藥妝連鎖店,它已經是日本女性生活中不可或缺的一部分。

  3. 出門在外如果天氣炎熱的時候可以先使用濕紙巾擦拭多於汗水後在塗上轉換氣氛喔~ 這裡提供一個小知識給大家,如果天氣很炎熱時,尤其覺得有點中暑的情況下,不要用乾毛巾把身上的汗水全部擦乾喔~身體全乾的情況下,反而會妨礙散熱,建議要用濕毛巾 ...

  4. 2017年1月31日 · Toilets Learning Japanese First Time in Japan Life in Japan. When in a foreign land, it’s always important to know enough of the local lingo to navigate your way to the nearest lavatory. As in many languages, Japanese has lots of ways to talk about toilets ranging from polite to rude.

  5. 2018年1月29日 · What to Do When You're Sick in Japan. One of our favorite bloggers, Texan in Tokyo, and her husband Ryosuke posted a video about the terrible tragedy many of us fear—or worse still, have actually experienced—of getting sick while in a foreign country. Poor Grace ended up sick for a week with strep throat, and tells us all about her sickness ...

  6. 2019年3月18日 · How to Navigate a Japanese Washlet Toilet. Robert Kodama Updated March 18, 2019. There's something quite fascinating about a modern Japanese toilet. The buttons, the heated seat and the cleansing spray all add to the unusual experience you might be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Read on to find out how to navigate one of these futuristic toilets.

  7. 2017年10月17日 · Toto's Toilet Museum Is Flush with History. Diletta Fabiani Updated October 17, 2017. Museum Toilets Ise-Shima Summit Rainy Days Fukuoka. www.toto.co.jp. While this humble device has revolutionized our lives, it's often taken for granted. It's time the situation was rectified: with a museum!

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