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  2. 澳洲技術移民、投資移民、傑出人才GTI,我們為你訂造最合適計劃,貼心服務,以客為本。 由香港律師事務所代辦,豐富實戰經驗,成功辦理多類移民個案。澳洲移民網上講座,歡迎報名參加。


  1. 2024年2月20日 · 關於簽證. 許多國家的旅客都可利用觀光簽證在日本停留90天。. 關於入境手續的詳情,請參閱 日本政府有關簽證核發與入境管理的官方指南 。. 如果您來自需要簽證才能入境日本的國家,即使短期停留,也請務必辦理必要手續。.

  2. 2024年2月20日 · Plan Your Trip. Visa & Immigration. Updated: February 20, 2024. About Visa. While travelers from many countries can visit Tokyo and Japan with relative ease for 90 days on a tourist visa, make sure you follow the official Japanese government visa and immigration guidelines to ensure that you can enter the country legally.

  3. 2024年2月20日 · 行程规划. 赴日旅游签证. Updated: February 20, 2024. 关于签证. 很多国家的游客都可利用旅游签证在日本停留90天。 关于入境手续的详情,请参阅 日本政府有关签证核发与入境管理的官方指南 。 若您来自需要签证才可入境日本的国家,即使短期停留,也请务必办理必要手续。 海关. 入境日本前,必须填写行李物品申报单。 请仔细阅读日本海关公告的 旅客通关手续 ,以免发生不必要的麻烦。 持有酒类、香烟产品或其他一切相关产品的旅客,请遵守日本的免税与税额减免相关规定。 通过 Visit Japan Web 可在网上进行入境时的海关申报。 赴日旅游签证。 东京旅游景点、美食、交通、购物、住宿、庆典活动、游玩指南尽在东京旅游官方网站GO TOKYO。

    • New Year's Day
    • Coming of Age Day
    • National Foundation Day
    • Vernal Equinox
    • Golden Week
    • Mountain Day
    • Autumnal Equinox
    • Culture Day
    • Other Holidays and Events

    On January 1 or the evening of December 31, many people visit a temple or shrine to pray for happiness and safety in the coming year. This custom is known as "hatsumode."

    Everyone who turns 18 during this calendar year officially “comes of age.” (In Japan, you can smoke and drink at 20.)

    A day which commemorates the founding of Japan. Note: This falls on a Sunday in 2024, so the next day will be a holiday

    This holiday falls on the vernal equinox every year, either March 20 or 21. It's a day to celebrate nature and care for living things.

    A collection of holidays that give people roughly a week off each year. Tokyo will be buzzing will all sorts of events: music, art, food, festivals. The individual holidays are as follows:

    A day to give thanks for the bounty of Japan's mountains. It falls near the beginning of Bon, a traditional Japanese summer festival. This is a special period of the year when people take time off to return to their family hometowns and commune with their ancestors. Note: This falls on a Sunday in 2024, so the next day will be a holiday

    This holiday falls on the autumnal equinox every year, either September 22 or 23. It's a day to honor and remember ancestors. Note: This falls on a Sunday in 2024, so the next day will be a holiday

    A day to appreciate peace and freedom and celebrate culture. Tokyo will be full of cultural events, and admission to some of Japan's premier museums will be free. Note: This falls on a Sunday in 2024, so the next day will be a holiday

    October 1 is a special Tokyo holiday called Citizens Day, where many facilities run by the Tokyo government offer free admission. There are many events in Tokyo that coincide with these holidays. Visit the Tokyo Event Calendarfor more information.

  4. 2023年11月24日 · Tokyo Itinerary 2024 : Plan For The Best Vacation in 5 Days. Updated: November 24, 2023. This 5-day Tokyo itinerary introduces the city's must-visit landmarks for an amazing tour. Check it out for travel ideas, even if your stay is only 3-4 days.

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  5. 2024年2月20日 · 여행팁. 비자ㆍ입국. Updated: February 20, 2024. 비자에 대하여. 많은 나라의 여행자가 관광 비자로 90일간 도쿄나 일본을 방문할 수 있습니다. 합법적으로 입국할 수 있는지 확인하려면 일본 정부 비자와 입국관리국의 공식 가이드라인 을 보십시오. 단기 체류라 할지라도 일본 입국에 비자가 필요한 나라에서 오실 경우에는 필요한 수속을 밟아야 합니다. 세관. 일본에 입국하기 전에 소지품에 대한 신고서가 필요합니다. 신고서 작성 등에 관해서는 일본 세관이 설명하는 승객 통관 수속 (Procedures of Passenger Clearance) 을 잘 읽어 둡시다.

  6. Plan Your Trip > PDF Maps & Guides. Download these useful guides giving you the basics on bathing etiquette, manga and anime, the Tokyo train network, museum schedules and walking courses.

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