雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 社會福利署政府安老院名單 相關

  2. 提供安老院概況,院舍圖片、收費及雜費概覽,令您掌握院舍資訊。免費服務! 網上為您配對合適的優質院舍,助你輕鬆作出選擇!社會企業,已服務超過三萬家庭!


  1. 如果你都想善用這筆資助豐富人生閱歷,就要留意今次懶人包,一文教懂你有關持續進修基金申請的資格和流程,以及熱門CEF短期進修課程例子。 最後還會簡單講解個人進修開支扣税事宜! CEF持續進修基金是什麼? CEF持續進修基金為有志進修的成年人提供持續教育和培訓資助。 完成修讀基金課程後,可不限次數申領合共最多25,000元的資助金額,並不設有效年期限制及年齡上限。 CEF持續進修基金申請資格. 所選修的基金課程開課時,必須年滿18歲. 屬香港居民並擁有香港居留權、或入境權,又或者有權在香港逗留而不受任何逗留條件限制. 從未就同一項課程、學習單元、學分,或在其他公帑資助計劃下獲得任何資助. CEF持續進修基金資助金額.

  2. The maximum loan amount for "Freelancer" will be HK$100,000. Repayment period of No-doc Loan for Self-employed varies from 3 to 84 months. Assuming a loan amount of HK$200,000, with monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%) and a repayment period of 36 months with no handling fee, the monthly repayment amount will be HK$5,940.

  3. 住戶可先到所屬的屋邨物業服務辦事處索取裝修承辦商名單與聯絡方法比較各家的公屋裝修價錢再根據自己的需要和預算選擇適合的裝修承辦商當然住戶也可以委託認可裝修承辦商名單以外的裝修公司裝修風格或會更多元但當然越複雜的工程裝修價錢自然就越貴唯他們未必對公屋裝修規定熟悉所以建議住戶先看清楚公屋裝修的注意事項再按自己的需求和預算作出選擇。 常見問題二:公屋可以自己裝修嗎? 住戶可以自行或邀請親朋協助裝修。 進行裝修前,先填寫「自行裝修申請表」,列明工程的細項和施工位置。 獲批之後,住戶可取回已獲批的工程申請書正本,並需張貼於單位的當眼位置。 與此同時,住戶亦會獲發裝修工作人員許可證,相關裝修師傅必須在屋邨內配戴相關許可證。

  4. 可持續發展 貫徹助人精神 與您共同成長 自1992年開業至今,邦民一直以專業至誠的服務態度,為香港人解決燃眉之急。業務以外,我們都同樣以香港為家,透過不同的活動策劃,實踐ESG及可持續發展理念,致力推動環境保護、回饋社會、加強企業管治,共同建設美好將來。

  5. Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection ...

  6. 2019年3月26日 · Latest Update. 2024.03.14. Notice on Suspension of services due to system upgrade. In order to enhance our services, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will conduct system upgrade from 00:30 am to 07:30 am on Saturday 30 March 2024 (Hong Kong Time) and the following services will be suspended during this period: Signing Loan Agreement.

  7. 2023年12月1日 · About Promise. Since its establishment as a licensed money lender in Hong Kong from 1992, Promise continues to provide convenient financial services to its customers. We put our customers first, providing flexible and trustworthy personal loan solutions to help them relieve their cash flow needs anytime and anywhere.