雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. BOCHK has sponsored the Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates (HKAAA) to organise the inaugural Bank of China (Hong Kong) Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HK Section) Half Marathon which was successfully held on 19 November. Nearly 8,000 runners participated together in the half marathon on the world's longest bridge-tunnel sea ...

  2. 資助「自閉症創科應用終身支援計劃」. 中銀香港資助由基督教中國佈道會聖道學校及香港中文大學合辦的「自閉症創科應用終身支援計劃」,為自閉症譜系障礙人士於各個生命階段提供相關的介入治療,提升自閉症人士在整個生命週期的生活質素。. 計劃開展 ...

  3. With BOCHK Mortgage Further Advance Service, you can make use of your asset to satisfy your needs.Refinancing your mortgage with BOCHK, you can enjoy our wide range of mortgage plans. Comprehensive mortgage solutions offer preferential interest rate, our “Smart” Mortgage Scheme allows you to enjoy higher interest returns on your savings and reduce interest on your mortgage loan.

  4. 本計劃除提供保證現金價值,同時亦特設週年紅利4( 如有) 及終期紅利4( 如有),實現終身財富增值。. 週年紅利4. 終期紅利4. 於每個保單週年日派發( 如有) ,您可選擇隨時提取週年紅利4( 如有),或將其保. 可於受保人身故或退保時派發( 如有)。. 留在中銀人壽積存生息4 ...

  5. Custody and Trust Services BOCHK is one of the major banking groups in Hong Kong. Our full range of global custody service solutions will help you maximize the return on your capital in a fast changing market. Our services include:

  6. 慈善及義工活動. 定期組織各項義工活動,包括沙灘清潔活動、兒童及長者探訪、慈善公益百萬行及各項賑災工作. 鼓勵員工在工餘時間參與有益身心的慈善及義工活動,並設有薪「義工假期」以示支持. 列印.

  7. 承保機構:中銀集團人壽保險有限公司. 由即日起 (額滿即止),輸入優惠代碼iRD2以享首年保費75折優惠! 10年保障兼享保費回贈,即使曾經索償 ,保單期滿時保證可獲 101%已繳總保費回贈1. 3種每日住院現金賠償額 可供選擇. 每宗傷病之 每日住院現金賠償保障長達1,000日. 24小時全球緊急救援服務. 每日 保費低至港元172. 手機投保, 毋須體檢, 最快3分鐘完成. 提供網上索償. 有關產品詳情,請參閱產品小冊子及保單條款。 限時 優惠. 推廣期: 由即日起 (額滿即止) 優惠代碼: iRD2. 請即輸入上述優惠代碼投保本計劃即可獲首年保費75折優惠! 優惠須受條款及細則所約束,詳情請參閱產品小冊子。 產品短片. 保費回贈.