雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 用電少啲至乖乖 Please come and save the earth 唔浪費電就啱晒 熄熄燈燈地球就換個狀態. 用電嘅車車環保夠清新 又冇污染物冇黑煙臭臭 玩少啲手機玩得多眼痛仲好嘥電架 識揀好燈膽慳得更多熄燈救地球幫手可以麼. Please come and save the earth 每天都靚晒 我愛世界用電少 ...

  2. 兒歌名為「慳電乖乖」,歌詞包含節能貼士。下載歌詞(pdf)。

  3. Tuen Mun – The Green Future. Developed by Missquai. Design Concept. The artist depicts the relationship between electricity, people's livelihoods, and community development, set against the landscape and facilities of Tuen Mun and its surroundings, including the Choi Yee Bridge, Tuen Mun River, and Black Point Power Station.

  4. If your bill amount is higher than expected, check out the common causes of high bills. You may also use our bill calculator to check your bill calculation. If your bill does not require you to make a payment, check out small amount bills. Learn how to read your CLP electricity bill.

  5. www.clp.com.hk › en › businessFor Drivers - CLP

    What our users have to say about EV. CLP provides comprehensive support to our customers in their EV journey. We promote green transportation by preparing our grid for EV readiness, providing convenient charging infrastructure, offering rate options, tools and public education. Learn more. Learn more.

  6. Find out how CLP uses electric vehicles in its fleets to promote clean transportation in Hong Kong. ... We are committed to promoting clean transportation in Hong Kong. Since 1984, we have used Electric Vehicles (EVs) in our fleet. We will continue to adopt green ...

  7. 1 2023 年11 月26 日 港澳辦主任夏寶龍充分肯定 嘉道理家族及中電對香港堅定不移的承諾 11 月 22 日,中電控股主席米高嘉道理爵士率領一眾董事局成員和管理層在北 京拜會國務院港澳事務辦公室主任夏寶龍。夏主任於釣魚臺國賓館接見中電代

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