雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 唯有未登記使用「轉數快」或「電子入賬服務」,我們將根據以下於空格內劃上「X」號的支付賠償方法。. Deposited the claims payment (in the same Policy Currency) in the ancillary Future Premium Deposit Account(s) (“FPDA”). Terms of Use of the FPDA shall govern and apply. (Applicable to Mainland Chinese ...

  2. 您可憑現金、支票、或電子渠道繳費,過程簡易妥當。. 請點擊下列繳付方式,瞭解更多。. 查看有關繳付方式的注意事項,請 按此 。. 電子自助繳費. 銀行. 其他. 續保-一般保險 續保 - Vitality 健康程式 保費徵費.

  3. The Worldwide Assistance Hotline is open 24/7 for emergency assistance wherever you are. CANCER EDUCATION & SUPPORT. A tailored Oncology related services, from prevention, prediction, diagnosis, treatment to recovery, provided to you, AIA accompanies you always.

  4. 閱讀時間為三分鐘. 您理想中的退休生活,是可以維持目前的生活方式抑或是環遊世界?. 要擁有理想的退休生活,首先要做好財富管理,配合合適的工具,助您建構安穩的退休生活。. 延期年金就是一種長期保險產品並且是規劃退休的儲蓄工具,幫助投保人把 ...

  5. www.aia.com.hk › en › help-and-supportMedical | AIA Hong Kong

    Health Care and Claims. File a claim. 1. Step 1. Prepare claim documents. You may refer to the following claim document checklist. Claim Tips. Register FPS or e-Bankin via AIA Connect for receiving claims payment directly. 2. Step 2. Submit a claim. Submit the claim application via AIA Connect. or. Click here for e-claim easy guide.

  6. If Yes, please state the date and time of your home leave. 如有,請列明外出之日期及時間。. 5. Name and address of business or employer. 公司或僱主名稱及地址. 9.(a) Please give the date of admission and the date of discharge. 請提供入院及出院日期。. Date of Admission 入院日期 Date of Discharge 出院日期 ...

  7. 基於永久性地離開香港的理由而 申索強積金累算權益( 權益)的法定聲明. 注意: (1) 根據《條例》第43E 條,任何人在給予強制性公積金計劃管理局(管理局)或核准受託人的任何文件中,明知或罔顧後果地作出在要項上屬虛假或具誤導性的陳述,即屬犯罪。. 首次定罪者 ...