雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月17日 · DSE應試策略:英文Paper 2必用這6種「因此……」嘅寫法. 人人都想摘星,唔通人人都摘到星!. 你又知唔知拎星星嘅秘訣喺點呢?. 真喺寫完篇文咁簡單?. 原來,考DSE英文Paper 2果陣加幾個有概括意義嘅關鍵用字,就可以令文章加分,咁摘星就更加容易啦 ...

    • Title 標題
    • Opening 開首
    • Body Paragraph 正文
    • Counter Arguments 駁論
    • Conclusion 結論
    XXX is a must (XXX是必須的)
    No more tolerance for XXX (不能再容忍XXX)
    XXX – call for abstinence (XXX — 呼籲禁止)
    XXX: a friend or a foe? (XXX:是敵是友?)

    I. Hook 引入 1. XXX has become the hot topic of town lately. XXX最近成為城鎮的熱門話題。 2. With just a few clicks on your screen, you can see photos and articles about XXX flooding your news feed. 只需在螢幕上點擊幾下,您就可以看到有關XXX的照片和文章充斥著您的新聞提要。 3. XXX has been hitting the headlines these days. 這些天XXX一直在佔據頭條新聞。 4. A heated debate on whether … has been raging in the city....

    Every coin has two sides 每枚硬幣都有兩面
    A double-edged sword cuts both ways 是把雙刃劍,有好也有壞。
    Critics put forward the idea that…. However, I am certain that… 批判者們推崇…的意見,但我認爲…
    The argument might seem to be reasonable superficially. Upon deeper inspection, it does not hold. 從表面上看,這個論點似乎是合理的。經過更深入的檢查,它就不成立了。
    Without a shadow of doubt, XXX should be always banned. 毫無疑問,XXX應該始終被禁止。
    Under no circumstances shall we watch the fading of XXX with folded arms. 在任何情況下,我們都不應該對XXX的衰退視若無睹。
    All the above bring us to the conclusion that … 以上所有內容都使我們得出結論…。
    Taking all the aspects into account, it is my firm belief that … 考慮到所有方面,我堅信…
  2. 2019年7月12日 · Step 1:回應上一位的發言. 假設你唔喺第一位發言,就要回應番上一位考生嘅說話內容,例如︰. It is true that this situation is happening as… I share the same view with the former candidate since… 或在贊同建議時說︰. The suggestion given by former candidate is feasible because… We can take the advice given by candidate B because… 留意番! 所謂回應喺要比原因,不論反對或同意,如果唔喺就同「I agree with you.」無咩差別,記得比個人意見,先可以博得考官加分!

  3. 2020年4月28日 · Only with the presence of poems, can we reveal the true beauty of the world. 只有透過詩,我們才能揭示這個世界的真正美麗。 To cope with this situation, it is obvious that we should … 去應對這個情況,顯然我們是需要⋯⋯. To cope with this situation, it is obvious that we should attract more people to watch stage plays by making the plays more accessible, such as posting the clips online.

  4. 2020年2月26日 · 眾所周知,香港人是因為每天忙碌的生活,所以未能去看舞台劇。 今次學完 topic sentence,大家加以練習之後,下次就學埋 總結句 啦! 可能你有興趣: DSE Paper 2:英文句子大變身! 必學嘅奪星短語 (因果篇) 26/2/2020 | Categories: DSE 香港中學文憑 | Tags: dse應試技巧, 寫作, 應試技巧. 英文寫作卷嘅必出題型之一,就喺說明文,意思就喺去解釋一啲現象發生嘅原因,或者說明一件事嘅影響之類。 想知道點樣可以好好包裝自己嘅見解? 咁就要留意以下必用句式啦! Recently, … has been brought into focus 最近,⋯⋯引起關注。

  5. 2021年10月21日 · 第一步,表達歉意. We are terribly sorry for what you have experienced, but we are glad you voiced it out, so we can resolve it for you right away. 我們深感抱歉,亦很高興您能告訴我們問題所在,以便立即為您解決。 Please accept our sincere apology for the negative experience you had last week. 請容許我們為了上星期不愉快的經歷道歉。 第二步,了解事情的經過. Could you please describe to us exactly what happened when …?

  6. 2018年3月19日 · 1. 比較 Compare & Contrast. “Compare and contrast”(比較)可以話係 DSE 考試嘅常見問法! 詳細列舉異同之處時,以下詞彙絕對可以令你嘅答案「錦上添花」。 描述區別/不同之處. Nevertheless/ Nonetheless. 兩者意思相同,可表達「儘管如此」,「仍然」,「雖說…但」或「話又說回來」。 另外,”Nevertheless” 及 “nonetheless” 用於句首,句中及句末都可以,例如: e.g. Nevertheless, the result was better than expected. 儘管如此,結果也是好過預期。 e.g. The essay is nonetheless well-written.