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  1. bupa insurance 相關

  2. New to insurance? We explain insurance jargon and help you choose the best plan! Find a plan using our online quotation tool or speak to an advisor today!


  1. Bupa 為您提供專業醫療保險計劃。 您可按個人需要選擇各種醫療保險產品,包括自願醫保,住院及門診保障、產科保障、住院現金保險及更多。 我們的醫保計劃保證終生續保,並提供全數賠償及醫療卡。

  2. Bupa Hero非凡自願醫保. 每年高達港幣4,000萬保障的可扣稅自願醫保靈活計劃,全數賠償亞洲、澳洲及新西蘭或全球(美國除外)地區的手術及癌症治療費用,並設4項自付費選擇。 首3年共減高達80%首年保費! 詳情及報價. 保柏危疾全禦保. 涵蓋高達85種危疾,在您人生不同階段提供多達三次一筆過賠償. 一人投保8折 二人或以上6折*! 詳情及報價. 公務員. 專為香港公務員及其家屬而設,提供住院保險及門診保險,並保障投保前已患疾病。 詳情及報價. 其他保險計劃. 保柏自願醫保計劃. 每年保障限額高達港幣420,000元的自願醫保標準計劃,照顧您的基本健康需要。 合資格保費可用作申請稅項扣減。 網上申請即享8折優惠! 詳情及報價. 童康健.

  3. Bupa HK is a leading medical insurance company, and No.1 UK Health Insurance company. We offer comprehensive medical protection including medical insurance plans, VHIS, critical illness. Check out details and request a quote now!<br/>

  4. 環球私人醫療保險可為您提供: 隨身醫療健康保障. 無論身處國內或海外,都可享有您所選計劃覆蓋的醫療保障。 全球醫療運送服務. 在您身處的地區無法為您提供適合的治療時,提供全球醫療運送服務。 已存在病症、慢性疾病和遺傳病可獲保障(須通過核保)。 入住私家病房. 包括心理健康治療的私家醫院住院保障。 首屈一指的全球醫療服務. 於自選國家的頂級國際醫療設施就醫。 Global Virtual Care 應用程式. 全球專科醫生網絡,24 小時全天候網上診症。 保柏環球助您找回理想平衡點. 保柏環球國際醫療計劃為您和家人提供環球保障的優質私人醫療保險.

  5. Our international private health insurance plans are designed to be used. We offer a premium healthcare journey with direct access to a global network of specialists. All this without waiting for a referral.

  6. Our Bupa Global Health Plans offer world-class health insurance with global access tailored for individuals and families. With our tiered plans, you will have access to a wide range of rich benefits with flexibility to choose what suits you and your family, from cover for day-to-day healthcare to the unexpected medical costs. Major Medical.

  7. Bupa cares about your wellbeing. That's why health insurance, aged care, dental, optical & more are all part of our private health fund. Get in touch today.

  8. 2024年4月1日 · Bupa is an international healthcare company. Our purpose is helping people live longer, healthier, happier lives and making a better world.

  9. Bupa provides a line-up of comprehensive medical insurance schemes to suit your needs. Our plans include hospital benefit, clinical benefit, hospital cash benefit, maternity cover, dental benefit and critical illness insurance. Get Details.

  10. International Private Medical Insurance by Bupa Global - for the globally minded. Get direct access to specialist care from leading medical experts. Bupa Global looks after your body and mind

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