雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 參拜以及祈禱的流程. 在神社面前行禮祈禱的順序可以大致總結為“鳴鐘投錢,二禮二拍祈禱再一禮”,也就是以下順序。 1.晃動繩子把鐘搖響,鐘的響聲有兩個功效,一是告訴神靈有人來參拜,一是為參拜者驅邪。 註意搖繩子時不要用力過猛。 2.把香火錢放在功德箱內。 3.向神社鞠躬行禮兩次。 4.拍手兩次。 5.祈禱。 6.再鞠躬行禮一次。 以上方法是比較常規的做法,因地方和神社不同,做法上也有差異。 並不是每個祈禱處都有鐘,如果沒有則省略鳴鐘這一步。 另外有些地方在“鳴鐘投錢,二禮二拍祈禱再一禮”前後,各加一次輕微鞠躬;遠近聞名的島根縣出雲大社,不是拍兩次手而是四次。 更正規的做法是在完成以上事項之後吟誦祈禱詞“天津祝詞”。

  2. 2023年5月16日 · Japan is home to some 600,000 festivals annually. While many are specific to local shrines and temples, or secular events designed to drum up tourism, there are a handful of huge festivals and national traditions that are observed across the country each year. 1. New Year’s.

  3. 2018年7月26日 · A yukata is essentially a casual summer kimono, commonly made from unlined cotton, worn by both women and men. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B5%B4%E8%A1%A3.

  4. 2017年3月14日 · The ubiquitous kimono makes up a very traditional and symbolic fashion of Japan. We always call the full set "kimono," but do you know what to call each specific component? How about the belt that holds it together or the other accessories? If you're intrigued by these classical garments, here is our intro to the parts of a kimono set!

  5. 2017年3月14日 · The kimono is perhaps the most iconic item of traditional Japanese clothing. Literally meaning "thing to wear" (着物), its roots can be traced back to the Nara Period (710-794), when aristocratic women of the imperial court wore clothes with stiff Chinese-style collars and long, cylindrical sleeves.

  6. 2016年3月25日 · Based on the well-established techniques of weaving craftspeople, this detachable collar necklace adorns the wearer’s neck in a pearl necklace-like motif, and is appealing for the delicate and lightweight feeling created by its fine threads.

  7. 2022年3月2日 · Himekuri calendars are similar to page-a-day calendars seen in other countries, but they’re chock full of things to learn and remember about the Japan of today and yesteryear. In that sense, they’re like compact Japanese almanacs that can hang on your wall on stand on your desktop.

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