雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年1月17日 · 長者生活津貼俗稱「長生津」,於2013年4月開始發放,是政府提供的社會福利,旨在為65歲或以上有經濟需要的香港居民提供每月津貼,幫補生活開支。 長者生活津貼由2023年2月1日起每月金額為HK$4,060;由2024年2月1日起上調至HK$4,205。 高齡津貼俗稱「生果金」,其歷史遠比長生津久,可追溯至1973年,旨在為70歲或以上的香港居民提供每月津貼,不設資產審查。 高齡津貼的每月金額由2023年2月1日起為HK$1,570;由2024年2月1日起上調至HK$1,620。 鑑於2024年4月1日起實施 垃圾徵費 ,政府會向長生津及綜援領取人士提供額外每月HK$10膠袋補貼。 長生津 VS 生果金. 長者生活津貼及高齡津貼不可同時領取,只能二選一。

    • Buy Vhis For Your Spouse to Enjoy Tax Deductions
    • Tax Deductions For TVC and qdap Must Be Aggregated
    • Maximum HK$120,000 in Total Tax Deductions For qdap by A Married Couple
    • Tax Savings Reach 70% by Married Couples “Teaming Up”

    The most special feature of VHIS is that taxpayers can purchase VHIS for himself/herself and any eligible dependant(s) (also called “specified relatives”) and claim tax deductions for “all VHIS policies” against his/her tax rate. The tax-deductible amount of each VHIS policy is capped at HK$8,000 annually. If the incomes and standard tax rates of a...

    “Tax deductible MPF voluntary contributions” (TVC) and “Qualified Deferred Annuity Plans” (QDAP) are eligible for tax deductions. The maximum aggregated tax-deductible amount is HK$60,000 per taxpayer annually. At present, the government has designated TVC and QDAP as the same category for calculating tax deductions which taxpayers should pay close...

    For instance, the husband purchases QDAP with a basic premium of HK$180,000 and claims the maximum tax-deductible amount of HK$60,000. As long as both the husband and wife have chargeable income, the wife can claim tax deductions for her husband’s remaining QDAP premium, whether she has or not purchased QDAP. The maximum tax deduction for each of t...

    What happens in reality? Let’s try to calculate an example according to the most simplified tax returns in “Table 1”. The annual incomes of the married couple are HK$300,000 and HK$240,000 respectively where they elect for separate tax assessments and eligible for a basic tax allowance but without other allowances and deductions. According to the g...

  2. 2019年4月2日 · 首先大家要提醒父母,按他們的生活習慣,制定退休後的每月生活開支。 別以為退休後生活費大減,因為雖然少了日常交通應酬開支,但兩老可能會有較多時間去旅行,或專注於其他興趣,當中花費,可能不少。 第二:增加被動收入 善用政府福利. 如父母沒有樓或舖收租,子女即需為父母考慮如何增加被動收入,例如作 港元定期存款 或買藍籌股或ETF收息,都是常見選擇。 倘若父母住的地方,是早年購入,亦可考慮使用安老按揭,以磚頭換長糧。 此外,子女應為父母多留意政府的長者福利。 例如年滿70歲的長者,毋須通過入息及資產審查即可領取生果金(高齡津貼),而65歲至69歲則須通過審查。 長者卡、醫療券等福利亦有助減輕一家人的日常生活開支。 第三:兄弟姐妹共同分擔家用.

  3. 2023年8月16日 · As his income falls within the highest tax bracket, he is required to pay HK$16,000 for the first HK$200,000 of income and an additional 17% tax on the remaining HK$400,000 of income, which amounts to HK$68,000. Therefore, the total tax that Mr. Lawrence needs to pay is HK$84,000 (HK$16,000 + HK$68,000). Tax calculator.

    • Anson Chiu
  4. 2017年9月26日 · Writing a will doesn't mean waiting till you're really old before you get started. Here's 4 key reasons why you should actually start at an earlier age. Credit Cards for Airport Lounge Access Credit Cards with Hotel Promotions and Rewards DBS Black World Mastercard Review Credit Cards for Expat and Foreigner How to Pay Rent with a Credit Card in HK Streaming Services Comparison Alipay vs ...

  5. Our popular MoneySmart Blog also provides you with awesome tips, tricks, news, reviews and commentary on all things money related.

  6. 2017年11月27日 · But before you buy your kid a brand new Finding Nemo purse and send him to school with his first shiny $1 coin, be wary of making these four mistakes. 1. Not giving your kid a fixed allowance. Some parents prefer to give their kids allowance on an ad hoc basis, especially when their kids are older. They replenish their funds when they run out ...