雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年8月8日 · Though Japan’s been making scary movies for a while now, J-horror arguably hit its peak in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the era of The Ring (Ringu) and The Grudge (Ju-on). If there’s a defining feature of these films, it might be the vengeful female ghost—think Sadako with her long mane of black hair, or Kayako with her strange rattle ...

  2. 2016年2月22日 · 在這個充滿奇幻色彩的小村子裡,到現在每年都還是會有200部電視劇在這裡取景。來到這裡,就可以親身體驗到日本江戶時代的風土人情,還可以現場欣賞精彩的忍者秀表演。除此之外,還有應有盡有的變裝服飾可以讓你玩玩Cosplay!

  3. 2022年10月28日 · 2. Kairo / Pulse. Written by Wes Craven and Ray Wright, and directed by Jim Sonzero, Pulse is an American horror film that was released in 2006 and a remake of the Japanese horror film, Kairo, directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. The plot in both films centers on ghosts entering the world by way of the internet.

  4. 2022年8月1日 · The custom of furisode, a formal kimono worn by young unmarried women in Japan, dates back centuries. One tale of a cursed furisode supposedly led to a rampaging conflagration that nearly destroyed the ancient capital of Edo. The story begins around 270 years ago, when O-Same, the daughter of a wealthy wine merchant in the district of Azabu ...

  5. 2016年2月2日 · 在五花八門的日本傳統點心中,團子(dango)佔有很大的地位。就像湯圓(元宵)之於中國人,團子是一種老少咸宜且物美價廉的日本家常點心。在各地的民俗中團子也扮演著重要角色,比如正月二十吃的“二十日團子”,春天和秋天吃的“彼岸團子”,4月8日的“佛生會團子”,中秋節的“月見團 ...

  6. 2017年12月7日 · If you go past the offertory cucumber (cucumbers are said to be the kappa’s favorite food), you'll be able to see a "real" mummified kappa arm within. 7. Taira no Masakado Kubizuka (Tokyo) The Masakado ghost is probably one of the best-known creepy legends surrounding Tokyo temples and shrines.

  7. 在大堂櫃檯,辦理入住手續的是位青春永駐的美女機器人,以及她的小伙伴,可愛的恐龍值班員。 站在櫃檯前的感應區,他們會接受到電子訊息,自動向入住旅客打招呼:歡迎來到怪奇酒店。 旅客們只要簡單按下櫃檯上的會話按鈕,就可以請機器人幫忙完成Check-In等一系列入住手續。