雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. By Post. HSBC Credit Card RewardCash Programme Redemption Form. Please return the completed redemption form by post to Card Centre – Customer Service Section, 8/F, Tower 2 & 3, HSBC Centre, 1 Sham Mong Road, Kowloon. Terms and Conditions apply. Please refer to the RewardCash Programme Terms and Conditions or you may visit www.hsbc.com.hk.

  2. 下載滙豐Reward+應用程式,您即可隨時隨地使用「獎賞錢」、瀏覽最新優惠及管理信用卡賬戶。 參與商戶. 註: 於商戶即時兌換「獎賞錢」不適用於滙豐 Pulse 銀聯雙幣鑽石信用卡及滙豐銀聯雙幣信用卡. 換領優惠不適用於以下地點、產品及服務。 滙豐及參與商戶保留修訂有關項目的權利. - 豐澤特賣店及豐澤香港機場分店. - 時間廊的維修服務及於K11 Design Store購買現金券. 於LeSportsac每次可即時兌換港幣50元或其倍數的折扣. 於千色Citistore每次最少即時兌換港幣100元現金券(即港幣100元現金券一張) 於萬寧、崇光百貨及永安百貨每次最少即時兌換港幣50元現金券一張. 崇光香港百貨有限公司的崇光購物禮券換領處設於崇光銅鑼灣店SOGO CLUB 11/F。

  3. Save at merchants instantly with RewardCash. Save even more with your RewardCash. Every $1 RewardCash you earn can be used to offset HKD1 on your spending, at participating merchants all across town. The more you spend on your HSBC credit cards, the more RewardCash you’ll earn – and the more you can save. Benefits.

  4. 如何取消參與. 按此取消參與. 下載滙豐Reward+應用程式,您即可隨時隨地使用「獎賞錢」、瀏覽最新優惠及管理信用卡賬戶。. 1)賺取「獎賞錢」及獲發「獎賞錢」禮券. 成功登記後,由您已登記信用卡所累積的全部「獎賞錢」,將於每月結單日自動轉至合併 ...

  5. Credit Card related forms. Red Hot Rewards of Your Choice registration form. Apply HSBC Premier MasterCard, HSBC EveryMile Credit Card, HSBC Red Credit Card, Visa Signature, Visa Platinum, Union Pay Dual Currency or Visa Gold Card. Apply for Additional Credit Card. Cash Instalment Plan Online Application Form.

  6. 滙豐信用卡「獎賞錢」計劃換購表格. 請將填妥表格寄回九龍深旺道1號滙豐中心2及3座8樓信用卡客戶服務部。 持卡人姓名 . 日間聯絡電話 . 住宅電話. 「獎賞錢」換購. 項目編號 . 數量 所需「獎賞錢」 . 註: 1. 持卡人通過網上理財換購禮品,可享有最高的「年資折扣」優惠。 如持卡人以其他方式換購禮品(包括使用此換購表格),只能享有最低的「年資折扣」優惠。 所有現金券換購均不可享任何「年資折扣」優惠。 2. 持卡人必須以全數「獎賞錢」換購禮品及現金券。 @#signStar1#@ @#signStar2#@ @#signEd1@ 基本卡持卡人簽署 日期 附屬卡持卡人簽署. 須受有關條款及細則約束。

  7. You can modify the amount of RewardCash to be used, subject to $10 RewardCash for each gift item, and settle the balance (if any) with your HSBC credit card. Please select the credit card account(s) from which you wish to deduct the RewardCash and enter

  8. 優惠處處,「獎賞錢」更易賺!. 「最紅自主獎賞」讓您全年快賺高達2.4%「獎賞錢」回贈,您亦可憑滙豐Visa Signature卡專享1.2%「獎賞錢」回贈,或以滙豐Red信用卡輕鬆賺取4%、1%「獎賞錢」回贈。. 想賺更多「獎賞錢」?.

  9. RewardCash will be awarded only for the first HK$10,000 eligible online bill payments made using an eligible credit card in each monthly statement cycle; and. quasi cash transactions including: betting and gambling transactions, transactions at non-financial institutions (including purchase of foreign currency, money orders and travellers cheques),

  10. 您可以下列方法換領獎賞: 郵寄換領 — 填妥換領表格並寄回九龍深旺道1號滙豐中心2及3座8樓信用卡客戶服務部。 您可透過www.hsbc.com.hk/businesscard下載換領表格,亦可致電客戶服務熱線2748 8288索取傳真表格。 禮券將於四至六星期內寄到持卡人的通訊地址。 憑「獎賞錢」轉換的飛行里數,將於四至六星期內轉入持卡人指定的飛行常客計劃戶口內。 致電給我們. +852 2748 8238. 立即申請滙豐公司卡,在日常商務消費同時,盡享額外精彩獎賞,包括禮券、現金回賞、飛行里數等。 您還可以點擊查看關於禮品換領中心地址等信息。

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