雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Joy&Peace@~回憶 充滿愛, 充滿溫情, 充滿喜樂 滿載包容, 接納和體恤 愛裡沒有懼怕, 愛既完全, 就把懼怕除去 5 愛的鼓勵 0 訂閱站台 首頁

  2. 300-286 God is our peace! Now may the God of hope make you full of joy and peace through faith, so that all hope may be yours in the power of the Holy Spirit. ( Romans 15:13 ) =====

  3. 清談小筑 Beauty is joy that others can see. Beauty is 1% outside and 99% inside. Beauty is as big and as little as a smile. Beauty is having peace in the heart. Beauty is believing what you believe. Beauty is sharing love and care with every one!

  4. Somehow I could feel that God is next to me and I have tears of joy on my face. In addition, I also had a wonderful time staying in the English’s house for both Christmas and the New Year. It is an unforgettable experience since this is the first time for me to leave my family for such a long time in a foreign country.

  5. 清談小筑 Beauty is joy that others can see. Beauty is 1% outside and 99% inside. Beauty is as big and as little as a smile. Beauty is having peace in the heart. Beauty is believing what you believe. Beauty is sharing love and care with every one!

  6. 清談小筑 Beauty is joy that others can see. Beauty is 1% outside and 99% inside. Beauty is as big and as little as a smile. Beauty is having peace in the heart. Beauty is believing what you believe. Beauty is sharing love and care with every one!

  7. 文/joypeacehope 介紹這首福音音樂是以「兒童詩歌」當標題,因為由他們來唱比較可愛,又源於美國黑人靈歌之故,原曲調是帶有點淡淡的憂鬱酸苦味道,因此讓小朋友以輕鬆活潑的稍快板爵士風節奏來唱是非常好聽的。 ... 繼續閱讀... 回應 (3) | 推薦 (11) | 收藏 (0) | 口唱心合. 2012-05-29 11:01:53. 美麗的多肉植物. # 01文 & 圖/ joypeacehope這週末是美國陣亡將士紀念日,可以連休三日,從週六到週一,固定在五月的最後一個星期一,算是彈性假期,但是國慶日 (七月四日)是特定的,不能以長週末放假。 教會以往會在這週末舉辦活動... 繼續閱讀... 回應 (7) | 推薦 (12) | 收藏 (0) | 芬芳花園.

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