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  1. 2023年9月24日 · 1. “Please accept my apologies for the typo in [document/email].” This straightforward and concise apology acknowledges the mistake, acknowledges the error’s location, and expresses your apology. 2. “I sincerely apologize for the typographical error.”

  2. 2019年8月6日 · 1. Acknowledge the Mistake Clearly. In your apology, address the typo directly, specifying exactly where it occurred. This shows your recipient that you are aware of the error and are taking responsibility for it. For instance: Dear [Recipient’s Name], I apologize for the typo in the third paragraph of my previous email.

  3. 2020年4月14日 · 若不是犯了嚴重的錯誤,只要在表達歉意的郵件裏面簡單解釋就可以了,不需要加入太多情感因素。 事不宜遲,立刻來學學怎樣「補鑊」啦! 今次會首先和大家介紹相關例句,此外筆者還準備了四篇Email示範如何得體地「補鑊」。 還不趕緊bookmark這篇文章? Part 1: 「補鑊」Email必學例句. (圖片由作者提供) • This is to kindly express my sincere apology for sending an email that was not meant for you. 來函謹表達我誠摯的歉意,因爲我誤把電郵發錯了給您。

  4. 2017年11月6日 · 工作出錯唔使驚:「補鑊」Email全教學. 人生難免會有出錯嘅時候⋯係工作上出錯相信係所有打工仔最唔想發生,但亦最難完全避免嘅事。. 其實出錯後只要 send 返封道歉電郵,「補鑊」並非難事!. 1. 輕微錯誤. I apologize for the delay in replying. 我對於延遲了回覆深表 ...

  5. 2023年9月18日 · A typo is a minor error, and sending an apology email may draw more attention to something most people wouldn’t even notice. Yet, not all typos are alike — ask yourself these questions for making a decision:

  6. 2020年2月13日 · 名詞 「typo」 是 「typographical error(排印錯誤)」 的簡寫打字或排印文稿時出現的小錯誤」,其中最常見的就是單字的拼寫錯誤。 與名詞 「typo」 搭配使用的動詞是 「make」,組成 「make a typo」 ,意思是 「打錯一個字」。

  7. 2023年6月18日 · 1. Acknowledge the Mistake. Begin your email by acknowledging the mistake, be clear and concise about it. It’s important to apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused by the error. This could be done with a simple statement such as “I wanted to send a follow-up email to apologize for the typo in my previous message.” 2.

  8. 5 天前 · 名词 “typo” 是 “typographical error(排印错误)” 的简写 “打字或排印文稿时出现的小错误”,其中最常见的就是单词的拼写错误。 与名词 “typo” 搭配使用的动词是 “make”,组成 “make a typo” ,意思是 “打错一个字”。 例句. Could you check this email for typos before I send...

  9. 2024年1月11日 · First sentence: What happened, what was the mistake. Second sentence: Fix the mistake. If you send an incorrect link, give them the correct one. Third sentence: Apologize for any inconvenience and give them an email and/or phone number to contact if they have any questions. Here’s a perfect example from Drift.

  10. 1. Address the Person Respectfully. Use a formal greeting to address the person you’re apologizing to. 2. State Your Mistake Clearly. Explain what you did wrong without making excuses. Clarity is key. 3. Show Genuine Remorse. Use heartfelt words to express your regret. 4. Offer a Solution if Possible. Propose how you’ll rectify the mistake.

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