雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月2日 · Raised floor areas can also be taken advantage of to provide extra storage space. Openable floor panels, covered with mats, carpeting, or other flooring, can conceal several square feet of usable storage, even if it's only a few inches (Photo top, and Fig. 2. Spring

  2. 2023年8月29日 · Four different floor levels are used in this small area, adeptly demonstrating the advantages of the level-change technique. The floor surface also varies throughout this house in keeping with the use of each space, from stone in the entry, to dark natural wood, to tatami, to cork flooring, to bathroom tile.

  3. 2023年6月19日 · In Part 1 of this series, we look at useful concepts that underlie space-efficient Japanese home design. These are not intended to give your home a “Japanese” style, though many of the concepts are rooted in tradition. Instead, these concepts are meant to stimulate your thinking about how to make the most of your own living space.

  4. 2023年2月20日 · Tatami are wide rectangular floor mats, covered with woven rush, which have been traditionally used to cover entire rooms in Japan, particularly those used for living, sleeping, and eating. Firm but yielding underfoot, tatami are comfortable for sitting and reclining

  5. 2016年9月15日 · Tatami, a traditional Japanese flooring material made from tightly woven igusa (soft rush straw), dates all the way back to the Nara Period (710-794) and has always been reserved for flooring. But now, a Japanese company is trying to broaden the possibilities of tatami by creating a line of furniture upholstered in tatami.

  6. 2023年9月7日 · 關西國際機場是日本第一座完全由填海造陸建成人工島的海上機場,也是世界上首個100%人工島的海上機場,位於大阪府,更是日本第一座可24小時運營的機場。1963年,因應伊丹機場(大阪國際機場)的交通擁堵問題,並解決城市土地資源緊缺,日本政府決定填海造地興建機場,於1987年動工,並於 ...

  7. 2023年7月6日 · 引人入勝的多樣化賞楓首選 | 中島公園. 作為札幌人引以為傲的城市綠洲,中島公園佔地極廣(約有4.5個東京巨蛋)、四季皆美,雖過往名氣不如北海道大學,但因日劇《First Love》在園內札幌天文臺取景而聲名大噪。. 中島公園入口處即有高達10公尺的銀杏步道 ...

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