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  2. TrendyTogether客戶開立全新證券賬戶即獲贈股票,立即開戶! TrendyTogether客戶,可享總值高達HK$800 Chill Card迎新獎賞,立即登記!


  1. 2019年4月17日 · This simple little guide to investing in Japan will cover the three main options you have for investing your money within the Japanese system, with additional advice for U.S. citizens who have to deal with strict rules about investing abroad. Before Investing. First, this guide assumes you basically have your finances sorted out.

  2. 2016年4月7日 · Highlighting Japan Updated April 7, 2016. Sushi Sashimi Port First Time in Japan Tokyo Greater Tokyo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukiji_fish_market. Guinness World Records recognizes the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market—commonly known as Tsukiji Market—as the world’s largest fish market in terms of seafood handled and produced.

  3. 來到日本購物,不能錯過的除了免稅店外,就是日本的各大超市了。 日本街頭便利商店琳瑯滿目,但是超市裡的商品不論種類,價格都比便利商店還來得划算許多。 有時運氣好還可以碰上特價優惠。 近年許多日本知名的超市也都有提供免稅的服務,除了在超市可以解決飲食以外,也開始有人在超市購買伴手禮回去送給親朋好友喔! 現在就來看看日本有哪幾間知名的大型超市吧。 24小時營業超好逛|西友 SEIYU. http://www.seiyu.co.jp/ 日本最大的超市集團,也是日本至今來客率第一的西友超市。 除了價格優惠以外,大多數的分店都是24小時營業。 過去在全國更有多達300間的24小時營業的分店,不論是家庭主婦還是辛苦工作的上班族都非常的方便。

  4. 2019年12月10日 · Japanese tech company Pocket Change has found a solution. This innovative, multi-lingual, automatic, kiosk converts leftover bills and coins—of all different currencies—into electronic money, like Apple and Amazon gift cards, making it the best way to get as much value as you can out of your trip.

  5. 新宿. 想要探索東京的夜生活,建議一定要走一趟「新宿」,感受一下24小時都不停歇的不夜城氛圍。. 包含24小時營業的居酒屋或餐廳等餐飲店外,入夜後的酒吧數量也多到令人難以數計,如此的新宿堪稱是日本夜生活的歡樂代表地區。. 其中特別推薦人聲鼎沸的 ...

  6. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

  7. All About Katrina Vinluan. After working as an editor for Summit Media, the leading publishing company in the Philippines, I went to business school in Tokyo to prepare for the building of my future social enterprise that combines the elements of my Creative Source, Travelvocacy, and Ministry of Food. Nowadays, while learning Nihongo, I’m ...

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