雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Telegram 頻道群組合集蒐集了大量telegram TG群組/頻道(或稱電報群),按不同分類排列,有最新的 2024 年的 telegram 群組,還包括交友,財經,吹水,活動,電腦,潮流,購物,遊戲,飲食等等,你可以在這找到相關的連結,或者分享你自己創建的群組及頻道。.

    • 頻道管理

      Telegram 頻道群組合集蒐集了大量telegram TG群組/頻道(或 ...

    • Telegram 群組連結

      Telegram 群組連結 - Share your group相信大家應該都想識 ...

    • Telegram 廣播站討論區

      Telegram 入口合集網站問題回報 x 討論區 交友 👤1433 加入 ...

    • 18+圖片谷

      Telegram TG頻道群組合集 版權所有 2024 | 頻道管理 新增群 ...

    • 外汇黄金股票讨论

      外汇黄金股票讨论 - 客户免费体验.招商.反佣.合规监管 有任 ...

    • 外匯交流群

      Telegram TG頻道群組合集 版權所有 2024 | 頻道管理 新增群 ...

    • 華人電報

      華人電報 - 華人的交流群組,分享華人生活、移民、留學、就 ...

    • Replies
    • Mentions
    • Reply/Mention Alerts
    • Supersize That
    • Pinned Messages
    • Invite Links
    • Public Groups
    • Message Links
    • Better with Bots
    • Admin Tools

    To reply to a specific messagein a group chat, simply swipe left on it, type your text and hit ‘Send’. If you tap on the quote in a message that is a reply, the app scrolls up to the original message – and shows an arrow button to go back to the previous location. This makes navigating conversations in groups easy even if you've been away for a whi...

    If you want several people within a group chat to get instantly involved in the conversation, you may mentionthem in a message. They will be notified about your message, even if they muted the group chat — unless they've muted you personally, of course!

    In busy groups, you can get new mentions or replies many times during a day – and it’s important not to miss those messages. So whenever this happens, you’ll notice straight away by the ‘@’badge in the chat list: When you have new replies/mentions in a group, you can instantly reach them by tapping the new ‘@’button when inside the chat. This butto...

    Groups are ideal for sharing stuff with friends and family or collaboration in small teams. But they can also host very large communities – in fact, up to to 200,000 members can join any group. We have plenty of admin toolsto help admins keep the peace in these virtual cities.

    Group admins can inform all members about important news using pinned messagesthat are displayed at the top of the chat screen. All members will get a notification — even if they muted ordinary messages from the group. Groups admins can always edit pinned messages. This means your pinned message can contain an up to date list of links to important ...

    It's easy to move your existing group chats to Telegram without any hassle. Simply send your friends an invite link. As soon as they get Telegram, they can instantly join your Telegram group just by following that link. To get the link, first create a group on Telegram, then head to the ‘Add participant…’ section and tap ‘Invite to Group via Link’.

    If you want a friendlier-looking link, groups can become public and get a short link, like t.me/publictestgroup. This way, anybody can view the group's entire chat history and join to post messages.

    You can copy links to individual messages inside public groups. Anyone will be able to see them by opening their t.melink – no Telegram account required. Tweet with confidence!

    Bots further extend the potential power of groups, making anything possible – from automated moderation to games, paymentsand beyond.

    To help maintain order in your community, you can add admins with specific sets of privileges. Choose who among your trusted admins will be able to add new users, manage messages, block members, edit group info, or even add new admins.

  2. The largest Telegram channels and groups catalog TGStat. More than 1 745 324 channels and groups, classified by countries, languages and categories.

  3. mewe. 鰂魚涌人、北角人歡迎分享區內大小事、吃喝玩樂、八卦趣事、資訊。 互動留言請注意禮貌互相包容尊重,禁止具挑釁性/人身攻擊之語言、不良或不雅言論/用語 。 816 成員. mid.kpop.hk演唱會門票更新. telegram. 內部訂購演唱會門票 非原價 但保證能入場 不定時更新演唱會門票消息 不定期會有抽獎活動回饋大家 主要以亞洲地區為主 如果有任何想睇既演唱會 而店主又無出post 可以單獨再問🙆🏻‍♀️ 問價請私聊店主 謝謝🙇🏻‍♀️. 714 成員. ☃️雪寶百貨批發谷2️⃣ . whatsapp. ☃️雪寶百貨批發谷2️⃣ . 叱咤903討論區. mewe. 903f orum冇左成個世紀,不如入黎邊聽邊傾喇! 383 成員. 天水圍群組 Tin Shui Wai.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 【热门推荐】5000+ 优质 Telegram 群组频道和机器人精心筛选,助您迅速找到最佳选择! Note 声明:本项目的所有内容均来源于网络,仅供学习和技术研究使用。 Warning 如果大家有发现存在敏感内容的群组、频道和机器人欢迎在 issues 中提交,会在第一时间处理。 GitHub 项目地址直达 https://github.com/jackhawks/rectg. 免责声明. 本项目的所有内容均来源于网络,仅供学习和研究使用。

  6. 2022年3月7日 · Telegram 最被眾人所認識的一大原因就是它擁有非常好的隱私性、可跨平台使用等等好用的功能,而「群組」、「頻道」也是許多人很愛的功能,不過 Telegram 在群組/頻道的搜尋功能並不那麼好用,因此小編這就要來分享幾個尋找 Telegram 群組頻道好用的網站。 快訊. 【美少女夢工場2】爸爸哭哭! PS版慘遭閹割,刪除「與父親結婚、豐胸道具」等內容. 【114年國定假日】2025行事曆公布! 連假攻略/春節/端午節/中秋節. 【高雄早午餐】推薦12家人氣早餐、午餐! 網美必拍、美食餐廳. Telegram 群組怎麼找? 小編心得總結 . Telegram 相關教學. 奇奇的科技筆記. 你平常會用甚麼通訊軟件呢? 除了 LINE 以外你知道擁有高評價的 Telegram 嗎?

  7. You are invited to a group chat on Telegram. Click to join: Join Group.

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