雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年6月17日 · All water isn’t the same. Every natural spring passes through layers upon layers of rock that can give the water a unique chemical makeup said to have a variety of health effects depending on the mineral content of the water. As a result, many onsen use their water type as a central marketing tool. It can be good to know what they're talking about!

  2. 2017年11月10日 · The central feature of a traditional Japanese inn—or 'ryokan'—is the communal hot bath.

  3. 2018年11月9日 · We’ve carefully selected 10 onsen hot springs in the Tokyo metropolitan area just for you. Our guide includes traditional onsen great for day trips, cost-effective onsen and romantic onsen perfect for couples. We’ve even included some onsen hotels, the perfect escape from the craziness of Tokyo!

  4. 2018年6月25日 · There's nothing more luxurious than a nice, long soak in a Japanese hot spring, surrounded by gorgeous views. These 10 spots are easily accessible from Tokyo, making them perfect for a day trip!

  5. 位在大分的「竹瓦溫泉」,是別府地區的百年溫泉會館。和一般單純泡溫泉的會館不同,竹瓦溫泉的特色在於將人埋進沙裡的「砂浴」。澡堂單純泡澡的普通浴一人一次只要100日圓,而「砂浴」則是需要1,030日幣。會館有提供免費浴衣,櫃檯則有販售毛巾等泡湯用品,但泡「砂浴」建議自備浴帽 ...

  6. 2024年4月16日 · 一般来说,热海的一日游,以泡温泉和品尝一顿美味晚餐做结尾就已经足够,但如果提前做好行程规划,打卡热海当地特色的“热海海上花火大会”,则会让美好的一天以更加惊艳的方式结尾。. 与很多人印象中日本的花火大会都集中在夏天举办有所不同,热海 ...

  7. 2016年4月23日 · This open-air sulfur hot spring is found in Manza Onsen, considered one of the best in Japan. Many onsen lovers are tempted to drink hot spring's water, which has a mysterious taste that changes from a hint of sourness washed in sweet carbonic acid to a strong, medicine-like flavor. But the flavor that bursts into your mouth might be carbonic ...